Vadiu no sunday million!!!

Vadiu: conseguindo um ticket por 250 fpp (//

estou jogando essa brincadeira de gente grande… vou postando as maos ae

PokerBrasileiro: Vamo Vadiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

Vadiu: A primeira mão estranha (dificil) foi essa, eu dei um raise no turn pra representar um straight e um flush draw, mas num deu muito certo qdo caiu o K…

q vcs me dizem?

infelizmente entrei de late registration e nao estou usando hud

Poker Stars $200+$15 USD No Limit Hold’em Tournament, Blinds: t50/t100 9 players JASMIN220 (SB): t10,050 ( M:67.00 ) vadiupoker (BB): t10,100 ( M:67.33 ) solok655 (UTG): t10,350 ( M:69.00 ) scott1236 (UTG+1): t9,850 ( M:65.67 ) tootie1234 (UTG+2): t12,850 ( M:85.67 ) ed-red040 (MP): t9,400 ( M:62.67 ) pain hurts (MP+1): t9,650 ( M:64.33 ) AshModai90 (CO): t7,900 ( M:52.67 ) hitsman125 (BTN): t9,850 ( M:65.67 ) Hero is BB with Tdiamonds, Adiamonds Preflop: ( t150 ) 2 folds, tootie1234 calls t100, 4 folds, JASMIN220 calls t50, vadiupoker raises to t444, tootie1234 calls t344, 1 fold Flop: ( t988 ) Jdiamonds, 3hearts, 5clubs (2 players) vadiupoker checks, tootie1234 checks Turn: ( t988 ) Kclubs (2 players) vadiupoker checks, tootie1234 bets t500, vadiupoker raises to t1,250, tootie1234 calls t750 River: ( t3,488 ) Khearts (2 players) vadiupoker checks, tootie1234 bets t2,700, 1 fold Final Pot: t3,488 tootie1234 does not show tootie1234 collects t3,488 from pot

wtf com o conversor?

PokerStars Game #39394266506: Tournament #283020010, $200+$15 USD Hold’em No Limit – Level II (50/100) – 2010/02/07 19:55:04 BRT
Table ‘283020010 858’ 9-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 1: JASMIN220 (10050 in chips)
Seat 2: vadiupoker (10100 in chips)
Seat 3: solok655 (10350 in chips)
Seat 4: scott1236 (9850 in chips)
Seat 5: tootie1234 (12850 in chips)
Seat 6: ed-red040 (9400 in chips)
Seat 7: pain hurts (9650 in chips)
Seat 8: AshModai90 (7900 in chips)
Seat 9: hitsman125 (9850 in chips)
JASMIN220: posts small blind 50
vadiupoker: posts big blind 100
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to vadiupoker
solok655: folds
scott1236: folds
tootie1234: calls 100
ed-red040: folds
pain hurts: folds
AshModai90: folds
hitsman125: folds
JASMIN220: calls 50
vadiupoker: raises 344 to 444
tootie1234: calls 344
JASMIN220: folds
*** FLOP ***
vadiupoker: checks
tootie1234: checks
*** TURN ***
vadiupoker: checks
tootie1234: bets 500
vadiupoker: raises 750 to 1250
tootie1234: calls 750
*** RIVER ***
vadiupoker: checks
tootie1234: bets 2700
vadiupoker: folds
Uncalled bet (2700) returned to tootie1234
tootie1234 collected 3488 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 3488 | Rake 0
Seat 1: JASMIN220 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 2: vadiupoker (big blind) folded on the River
Seat 3: solok655 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 4: scott1236 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 5: tootie1234 collected (3488)
Seat 6: ed-red040 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 7: pain hurts folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 8: AshModai90 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 9: hitsman125 (button) folded before Flop (didn’t bet)

Sarsante: GL vadiu!

mas me explica, pq nao ta usando o hud??

Cebola: vamooooooooooooo

leeosanches: Vamo lah garotoo !!

Vadiu: GL vadiu!

mas me explica, pq nao ta usando o hud??

formatei a parada aqui lembra, e aind anao instalei o hm

Sarsante: formatei a parada aqui lembra, e aind anao instalei o hm

po vi um post la seu apanhando do postgres, mas você disse que tinha resolvido…

fui no seu embalo e formatei aqui também, mas insta instalei (LOL) o HM.

Cebola: vamooo vadiu

Eduardo Mallmann: Boa sorte aí Vadiu!
Tomara que consiga ITM no mínimo! :D:D

Eduardo Mallmann: Boaaaaaaaaaaa vadiu 😀

To vendo lá também 😀

Sarsante: só um comentário off-topic…

fiz o esquema do controle lá do seu tutorial e dai fica muito mamata jogar com o controle! rs

meu controle tb é genérico modelo PS coloquei assim:

X – fold
O – raise
/ – all-in
■ – check/call

aumenta aposta com R1 e diminui com o L1

edit: adrenalina essa mao do 78s!!! vamoooooooo

edit: adrenalina essa mao do 78s!!! vamoooooooo

posta a hh ae que eu nao vi

Sarsante: Poker Stars $200+$15 USD No Limit Hold’em Tournament, Blinds: t100/t200
9 players
JASMIN220 (CO): t6,000 ( M:20.00 )
vadiupoker (BTN): t7,606 ( M:25.35 )
solok655 (SB): t10,375 ( M:34.58 )
scott1236 (BB): t7,600 ( M:25.33 )
tootie1234 (UTG): t14,319 ( M:47.73 )
ed-red040 (UTG+1): t22,350 ( M:74.50 )
pain hurts (UTG+2): t5,100 ( M:17.00 )
shModai90 (MP): t8,475 ( M:28.25 )
hitsman125 (MP+1): t8,175 ( M:27.25 )

Preflop: ( t300 ) tootie1234 calls t200, 4 folds, JASMIN220 calls t200, vadiupoker raises to t1,000, 2 folds, tootie1234 calls t800, JASMIN220 calls t800

Flop: ( t3,300 ) 7diamonds, 8hearts, Qspades (3 players) tootie1234 bets t1,200, 1 fold, vadiupoker raises to t3,000, tootie1234 raises to t4,800, vadiupoker raises to t6,606 ( all-in ), tootie1234 calls t1,806

Turn: ( t16,512 ) Jclubs (2 players, 1 all-in)

River: ( t16,512 ) 2spades (2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: t16,512
vadiupoker had 8spades, 7spades
tootie1234 had Qclubs, Kclubs
vadiupoker collects t16,512 from pot

Sarsante: queria ter $220 na minha conta do PS só pra causar no chat!!

se alguém quiser fazer uma doação… rsrs

vamo vadiu!!

Cebola: queria ter $220 na minha conta do PS só pra causar no chat!!

se alguém quiser fazer uma doação… rsrs

eu tbm hahahaha

Eduardo Mallmann: eu tbm hahahaha

Hehehehe. GL Vadiu! :D:D:D

Sarsante: Poker Stars $200+$15 USD No Limit Hold’em Tournament, Blinds: t150/t300 9 players
vadiupoker (UTG+2): t16,912 ( M:37.58 )
OVITCH (MP): t24,900 ( M:55.33 )
Rievers2860 (MP+1): t17,075 ( M:37.94 )
3tomake5 (CO): t20,380 ( M:45.29 )
ebod88 (BTN): t5,200 ( M:11.56 )
perc14 (SB): t11,370 ( M:25.27 )
BUCK 7 DEUCE (BB): t8,570 ( M:19.04 )
Tarsis_23 (UTG): t10,140 ( M:22.53 )
Gracie85 (UTG+1): t8,015 ( M:17.81 )

Preflop: ( t450 ) 2 folds, vadiupoker raises to t666, OVITCH calls t666, 5 folds

Flop: ( t1,782 ) 6spades, 4hearts, Jclubs (2 players) vadiupoker checks, OVITCH bets t600, vadiupoker raises to t1,500, OVITCH calls t900

Turn: ( t4,782 ) Aspades (2 players) vadiupoker checks, OVITCH checks

River: ( t4,782 ) 3hearts (2 players) vadiupoker bets t2,222, 1 fold

Final Pot: t4,782 vadiupoker does not show vadiupoker collects t4,782 from pot

tinha o que vadiu? AK?

Vadiu: intervalo novamente, estou em 793 out of 6219 com uns 55BBs …

duas mãos boas dessa etapa foram:

PokerStars Game #39397247316: Tournament #283020010, $200+$15 USD Hold’em No Limit – Level V (150/300) – 2010/02/07 20:49:45 BRT
Table ‘283020010 41’ 9-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: vadiupoker (16912 in chips)
Seat 2: OVITCH (24900 in chips)
Seat 3: Rievers2860 (17075 in chips)
Seat 4: 3tomake5 (20380 in chips)
Seat 5: ebod88 (5200 in chips)
Seat 6: perc14 (11370 in chips)
Seat 7: BUCK 7 DEUCE (8570 in chips)
Seat 8: Tarsis_23 (10140 in chips)
Seat 9: Gracie85 (8015 in chips)
perc14: posts small blind 150
BUCK 7 DEUCE: posts big blind 300
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to vadiupoker
Tarsis_23: folds
Gracie85: folds
vadiupoker: raises 366 to 666
OVITCH: calls 666
Rievers2860: folds
3tomake5: folds
ebod88: folds
perc14: folds
BUCK 7 DEUCE: folds
*** FLOP ***
vadiupoker: checks
OVITCH: bets 600
vadiupoker: raises 900 to 1500
OVITCH: calls 900
*** TURN ***
vadiupoker: checks
OVITCH: checks
*** RIVER ***
vadiupoker: bets 2222
OVITCH: folds
Uncalled bet (2222) returned to vadiupoker
vadiupoker collected 4782 from pot
vadiupoker: doesn’t show hand
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 4782 | Rake 0
Seat 1: vadiupoker collected (4782)
Seat 2: OVITCH folded on the River
Seat 3: Rievers2860 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 4: 3tomake5 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 5: ebod88 (button) folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 6: perc14 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 7: BUCK 7 DEUCE (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 8: Tarsis_23 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 9: Gracie85 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)


PokerStars Game #39397492205: Tournament #283020010, $200+$15 USD Hold’em No Limit – Level VI (200/400) – 2010/02/07 20:54:27 BRT
Table ‘283020010 41’ 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: vadiupoker (26943 in chips)
Seat 2: OVITCH (22534 in chips)
Seat 3: Rievers2860 (17425 in chips)
Seat 4: 3tomake5 (20380 in chips)
Seat 5: ebod88 (5650 in chips)
Seat 6: perc14 (11220 in chips)
Seat 7: BUCK 7 DEUCE (8120 in chips)
Seat 8: Tarsis_23 (9690 in chips)
Seat 9: patriot424 (36552 in chips)
Rievers2860: posts small blind 200
3tomake5: posts big blind 400
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to vadiupoker
ebod88: folds
perc14: folds
BUCK 7 DEUCE: folds
Tarsis_23: folds
patriot424: folds
vadiupoker: raises 711 to 1111
OVITCH: calls 1111
Rievers2860: folds
3tomake5: folds
*** FLOP ***
vadiupoker: bets 2222
OVITCH: calls 2222
*** TURN ***
vadiupoker: checks
OVITCH: bets 3600
vadiupoker: folds
Uncalled bet (3600) returned to OVITCH
OVITCH collected 7266 from pot
OVITCH: doesn’t show hand
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 7266 | Rake 0
Seat 1: vadiupoker folded on the Turn
Seat 2: OVITCH (button) collected (7266)
Seat 3: Rievers2860 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 4: 3tomake5 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 5: ebod88 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 6: perc14 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 7: BUCK 7 DEUCE folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 8: Tarsis_23 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 9: patriot424 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)

nao sei o q ta havendo mas o conversor num tá funfando pra mim

Sarsante: nao sei o q ta havendo mas o conversor num tá funfando pra mim

aqui tb não, o texto sai todo zuado, tudo na mesma linha…

será alguma zica com o ie8?

vou tentar com o firefox

edit: com o firefox está normal… q esquisito

Cebola: Poker Stars $200+$15 USD No Limit Hold’em Tournament, Blinds: t200/t400

9 players
vadiupoker (CO): t26,943 ( M:44.91 )
OVITCH (BTN): t22,534 ( M:37.56 )
Rievers2860 (SB): t17,425 ( M:29.04 )
3tomake5 (BB): t20,380 ( M:33.97 )
ebod88 (UTG): t5,650 ( M:9.42 )
perc14 (UTG+1): t11,220 ( M:18.70 )
BUCK 7 DEUCE (UTG+2): t8,120 ( M:13.53 )
Tarsis_23 (MP): t9,690 ( M:16.15 )
patriot424 (MP+1): t36,552 ( M:60.92 )

Hero is CO with 9diamonds, Adiamonds

Preflop: ( t600 )
5 folds, vadiupoker raises to t1,111, OVITCH calls t1,111, 2 folds

Flop: ( t2,822 ) Kspades, Qdiamonds, 4spades (2 players)
vadiupoker bets t2,222, OVITCH calls t2,222

Turn: ( t7,266 ) 4clubs (2 players)
vadiupoker checks, OVITCH bets t3,600, 1 fold

Final Pot: t7,266
OVITCH does not show
OVITCH collects t7,266 from pot


RafaelRJ: Vadiu, pq a cbet nessa mao? n acha melhor c/f nesse board escroto nao?

Minored: vamo garoto!!

to torcendo aqui :diamond2:

PokerBrasileiro: Bora!

Se o vadiu cravar imagino que o encontro não vai ser mais na casa dele.

Vamo que vamooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Minored: coitado do cara, QQ vs 66 o cara fez str8


Vadiu: outro intervalo… to bem pior nesse, mas ta dando pra joga legal ainda…

seguem algumas maos (quem pude converter, fico grato)

PokerStars Game #39398589944: Tournament #283020010, $200+$15 USD Hold’em No Limit – Level VII (250/500) – 2010/02/07 21:17:12 BRT
Table ‘283020010 41’ 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 1: vadiupoker (23585 in chips)
Seat 2: OVITCH (32437 in chips)
Seat 3: Rievers2860 (19350 in chips)
Seat 4: 3tomake5 (12405 in chips)
Seat 5: ebod88 (3825 in chips)
Seat 6: perc14 (6695 in chips)
Seat 7: BUCK 7 DEUCE (16350 in chips)
Seat 8: Tarsis_23 (6965 in chips)
Seat 9: patriot424 (36902 in chips)
vadiupoker: posts the ante 25
OVITCH: posts the ante 25
Rievers2860: posts the ante 25
3tomake5: posts the ante 25
ebod88: posts the ante 25
perc14: posts the ante 25
BUCK 7 DEUCE: posts the ante 25
Tarsis_23: posts the ante 25
patriot424: posts the ante 25
patriot424: posts small blind 250
vadiupoker: posts big blind 500
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to vadiupoker
OVITCH: folds
Rievers2860: folds
3tomake5: folds
ebod88: folds
perc14: folds
BUCK 7 DEUCE: folds
Tarsis_23: raises 500 to 1000
patriot424: folds
vadiupoker: calls 500
*** FLOP ***
vadiupoker: checks
Tarsis_23: checks
*** TURN ***
vadiupoker: checks
Tarsis_23: bets 1000
vadiupoker: calls 1000
*** RIVER ***
vadiupoker: bets 1500
Tarsis_23: calls 1500
*** SHOW DOWN ***
vadiupoker: shows (high card Ace)
Tarsis_23: shows (a pair of Aces)
Tarsis_23 collected 7475 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 7475 | Rake 0
Seat 1: vadiupoker (big blind) showed and lost with high card Ace
Seat 2: OVITCH folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 3: Rievers2860 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 4: 3tomake5 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 5: ebod88 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 6: perc14 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 7: BUCK 7 DEUCE folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 8: Tarsis_23 (button) showed and won (7475) with a pair of Aces
Seat 9: patriot424 (small blind) folded before Flop

PokerStars Game #39399478454: Tournament #283020010, $200+$15 USD Hold’em No Limit – Level VIII (300/600) – 2010/02/07 21:36:02 BRT
Table ‘283020010 41’ 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: vadiupoker (13924 in chips)
Seat 2: OVITCH (36073 in chips)
Seat 3: Rievers2860 (21847 in chips)
Seat 4: 3tomake5 (13955 in chips)
Seat 5: The Doc (7063 in chips)
Seat 6: ItalianWolf (40701 in chips)
Seat 7: BUCK 7 DEUCE (13950 in chips)
Seat 8: Tarsis_23 (15315 in chips)
Seat 9: patriot424 (39489 in chips)
vadiupoker: posts the ante 25
OVITCH: posts the ante 25
Rievers2860: posts the ante 25
3tomake5: posts the ante 25
The Doc: posts the ante 25
ItalianWolf: posts the ante 25
BUCK 7 DEUCE: posts the ante 25
Tarsis_23: posts the ante 25
patriot424: posts the ante 25
Tarsis_23: posts small blind 300
patriot424: posts big blind 600
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to vadiupoker
vadiupoker: raises 955 to 1555
OVITCH: folds
Rievers2860: folds
3tomake5: folds
The Doc: calls 1555
ItalianWolf: folds
BUCK 7 DEUCE: folds
Tarsis_23: folds
patriot424: folds
*** FLOP ***
vadiupoker: bets 3333
The Doc: raises 2150 to 5483 and is all-in
vadiupoker: calls 2150
*** TURN ***
*** RIVER ***
*** SHOW DOWN ***
vadiupoker: shows (high card King)
The Doc: shows (a pair of Jacks)
The Doc collected 15201 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 15201 | Rake 0
Seat 1: vadiupoker showed and lost with high card King
Seat 2: OVITCH folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 3: Rievers2860 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 4: 3tomake5 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 5: The Doc showed and won (15201) with a pair of Jacks
Seat 6: ItalianWolf folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 7: BUCK 7 DEUCE (button) folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 8: Tarsis_23 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 9: patriot424 (big blind) folded before Flop

PokerStars Game #39399701526: Tournament #283020010, $200+$15 USD Hold’em No Limit – Level VIII (300/600) – 2010/02/07 21:41:03 BRT
Table ‘283020010 41’ 9-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: vadiupoker (8350 in chips)
Seat 2: OVITCH (34998 in chips)
Seat 3: Rievers2860 (20772 in chips)
Seat 4: 3tomake5 (14005 in chips)
Seat 5: The Doc (14151 in chips)
Seat 6: ItalianWolf (39926 in chips)
Seat 7: BUCK 7 DEUCE (14900 in chips)
Seat 8: Tarsis_23 (14840 in chips)
Seat 9: patriot424 (40375 in chips)
vadiupoker: posts the ante 25
OVITCH: posts the ante 25
Rievers2860: posts the ante 25
3tomake5: posts the ante 25
The Doc: posts the ante 25
ItalianWolf: posts the ante 25
BUCK 7 DEUCE: posts the ante 25
Tarsis_23: posts the ante 25
patriot424: posts the ante 25
ItalianWolf: posts small blind 300
BUCK 7 DEUCE: posts big blind 600
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to vadiupoker
Tarsis_23: folds
patriot424: folds
vadiupoker: raises 955 to 1555
OVITCH: folds
Rievers2860: folds
3tomake5: folds
The Doc: folds
ItalianWolf: folds
BUCK 7 DEUCE: calls 955
*** FLOP ***
BUCK 7 DEUCE: checks
vadiupoker: checks
*** TURN ***
BUCK 7 DEUCE: bets 1750
vadiupoker: raises 5020 to 6770 and is all-in
BUCK 7 DEUCE: folds
Uncalled bet (5020) returned to vadiupoker
vadiupoker collected 7135 from pot
vadiupoker: doesn’t show hand
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 7135 | Rake 0
Seat 1: vadiupoker collected (7135)
Seat 2: OVITCH folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 3: Rievers2860 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 4: 3tomake5 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 5: The Doc (button) folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 6: ItalianWolf (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 7: BUCK 7 DEUCE (big blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 8: Tarsis_23 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 9: patriot424 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)

joão felipe: Poker Stars $200+$15 USD No Limit Hold’em Tournament, Blinds: t300/t600, Ante: t25

9 players
vadiupoker (UTG+2): t8,350 ( M:7.42 )
OVITCH (MP): t34,998 ( M:31.11 )
Rievers2860 (MP+1): t20,772 ( M:18.46 )
3tomake5 (CO): t14,005 ( M:12.45 )
The Doc (BTN): t14,151 ( M:12.58 )
ItalianWolf (SB): t39,926 ( M:35.49 )
BUCK 7 DEUCE (BB): t14,900 ( M:13.24 )
Tarsis_23 (UTG): t14,840 ( M:13.19 )
patriot424 (UTG+1): t40,375 ( M:35.89 )

Hero is UTG+2 with 3spades, 3diamonds

Preflop: ( t1,125 )
2 folds, vadiupoker raises to t1,555, 5 folds, BUCK 7 DEUCE calls t955

Flop: ( t3,635 ) Kdiamonds, Kspades, 2spades (2 players)
BUCK 7 DEUCE checks, vadiupoker checks

Turn: ( t3,635 ) 5diamonds (2 players)
BUCK 7 DEUCE bets t1,750, vadiupoker raises to t6,770, 1 fold

Final Pot: t7,135
vadiupoker had 3spades, 3diamonds
vadiupoker collects t7,135 from pot

Vadiu: Vadiu, pq a cbet nessa mao? n acha melhor c/f nesse board escroto nao?

até pensei em ir de c/f mas como rolou duas espadas no flop eu ia dar um 2nd barrel caso outra espadas caísse

Cebola: Poker Stars $200+$15 USD No Limit Hold’em Tournament, Blinds: t250/t500, Ante: t25

9 players
vadiupoker (BB): t23,585 ( M:24.19 )
OVITCH (UTG): t32,437 ( M:33.27 )
Rievers2860 (UTG+1): t19,350 ( M:19.85 )
3tomake5 (UTG+2): t12,405 ( M:12.72 )
ebod88 (MP): t3,825 ( M:3.92 )
perc14 (MP+1): t6,695 ( M:6.87 )
BUCK 7 DEUCE (CO): t16,350 ( M:16.77 )
Tarsis_23 (BTN): t6,965 ( M:7.14 )
patriot424 (SB): t36,902 ( M:37.85 )

Hero is BB with Thearts, Qclubs

Preflop: ( t975 )
6 folds, Tarsis_23 raises to t1,000, 1 fold, vadiupoker calls t500

Flop: ( t2,475 ) 7spades, Ahearts, 8hearts (2 players)
vadiupoker checks, Tarsis_23 checks

Turn: ( t2,475 ) 3hearts (2 players)
vadiupoker checks, Tarsis_23 bets t1,000, vadiupoker calls t1,000

River: ( t4,475 ) Jdiamonds (2 players)
vadiupoker bets t1,500, Tarsis_23 calls t1,500

Final Pot: t7,475
vadiupoker had Thearts, Qclubs
Tarsis_23 had Aclubs, 2clubs
Tarsis_23 collects t7,475 from pot

Poker Stars $200+$15 USD No Limit Hold’em Tournament, Blinds: t300/t600, Ante: t25

9 players
vadiupoker (UTG): t13,924 ( M:12.38 )
OVITCH (UTG+1): t36,073 ( M:32.06 )
Rievers2860 (UTG+2): t21,847 ( M:19.42 )
3tomake5 (MP): t13,955 ( M:12.40 )
The Doc (MP+1): t7,063 ( M:6.28 )
ItalianWolf (CO): t40,701 ( M:36.18 )
BUCK 7 DEUCE (BTN): t13,950 ( M:12.40 )
Tarsis_23 (SB): t15,315 ( M:13.61 )
patriot424 (BB): t39,489 ( M:35.10 )

Hero is UTG with Qspades, Kspades

Preflop: ( t1,125 )
vadiupoker raises to t1,555, 3 folds, The Doc calls t1,555, 4 folds

Flop: ( t4,235 ) 9clubs, 2clubs, Jhearts (2 players)
vadiupoker bets t3,333, The Doc raises to t5,483, vadiupoker calls t2,150

Turn: ( t15,201 ) 3spades (2 players)

River: ( t15,201 ) 7clubs (2 players)

Final Pot: t15,201
vadiupoker had Qspades, Kspades
The Doc had Jclubs, Kdiamonds
The Doc collects t15,201 from pot

Poker Stars $200+$15 USD No Limit Hold’em Tournament, Blinds: t300/t600, Ante: t25

9 players
vadiupoker (UTG+2): t8,350 ( M:7.42 )
OVITCH (MP): t34,998 ( M:31.11 )
Rievers2860 (MP+1): t20,772 ( M:18.46 )
3tomake5 (CO): t14,005 ( M:12.45 )
The Doc (BTN): t14,151 ( M:12.58 )
ItalianWolf (SB): t39,926 ( M:35.49 )
BUCK 7 DEUCE (BB): t14,900 ( M:13.24 )
Tarsis_23 (UTG): t14,840 ( M:13.19 )
patriot424 (UTG+1): t40,375 ( M:35.89 )

Hero is UTG+2 with 3spades, 3diamonds

Preflop: ( t1,125 )
2 folds, vadiupoker raises to t1,555, 5 folds, BUCK 7 DEUCE calls t955

Flop: ( t3,635 ) Kdiamonds, Kspades, 2spades (2 players)
BUCK 7 DEUCE checks, vadiupoker checks

Turn: ( t3,635 ) 5diamonds (2 players)
BUCK 7 DEUCE bets t1,750, vadiupoker raises to t6,770, 1 fold

Final Pot: t7,135
vadiupoker had 3spades, 3diamonds
vadiupoker collects t7,135 from pot

RafaelRJ: Vadiu, eu teria cbetado as maos q vc n cbetou e nao cbetado as q vc cbetou.

Mas é melhor a gente discutir sobre isso depois do torneio!




se cravar eu apareço no churras

Marcelo: Vamooo vadio!

Alguém mais está tendo problemas com o conversor? Se tiver me fale por favor para corrigirmos!

EDIT, foi só eu falar ele caiu, eta zica.

Cara parabéns por ter chegado tão longe partindo de 250fpps. Yes we can.

Minored: gg

que pena que nao bateu nada

vadiu tava com menos de 10bb, shovou com AQ, o cara deu call com TT

nao bateu nada

Eduardo Mallmann: Putz :/

Parabéns Vadiu! Jogou muito!

Vadiu: AQ de utg, tava com 13 BBs e pko… betei 3bb, o BB insta mandou all in com TT… eu paguei, e ele conseguiu segurar…

fiquei em 2345o de uns 10k e poucos… o itm pagava 300 dolares ao 1300o colocado…

agora é foco na lbpo hehehe

Cebola: gg vadiu !

Sarsante: gg vadiu!!

Vamooo vadio!

Alguém mais está tendo problemas com o conversor? Se tiver me fale por favor para corrigirmos!

EDIT, foi só eu falar ele caiu, eta zica.

Cara parabéns por ter chegado tão longe partindo de 250fpps. Yes we can.

eu não sei pq antes eu só usava o firefox, mas no ie8 o conversor está com problemas… o texto fica sem quebra de linhas

Vadiu: pq as pessoas tao com mania de ficar falando ‘vamooooo’ ultimamente? eu to perdendo alguma moda?

RafaelRJ: Acho q essa moda é antiga

Sempre falaram esse VAMOOOOOOOOOO no chat po!

Sarsante: pq os pro falam, logo vira modinha…

outro dia tava la no twitter do akkari.. hj é dia de forrar.. vamooo

deve ter surgido assim

Marcelo: Isso já é antigo, já foi citado até no blog americano do Stars.

Vadiu: nossa acho muito feio vamooo

prefiro ponte baixa! e seu complemento… Todos para o chaao!

Cebola: desde que eu participo do poker online sempre vejo vamooooo na torcida

principalmente se tiver alguma cavalagem embutida lol

raphaelzani: Pow Vadiu, parabéns cara !!
Acompanhei vc nos 2 últimos satélites de fpp, depois tive que sair e naum vi vc jogando o SM, mas na próxima eu acompanho !!!

PokerBrasileiro: Valeu Vadiu!

No próximo certeza que vai mais longe.

Representou a gente naquele field duríssimo, está de parabéns!

Vadiu: valeu zani e gustavo

Petrillo: Fantástico Vadiu!

Caiu num coin flip. Quem joga MTT sabe que esta situação irá acontecer. Inevitável.

Desta vez não deu, mas pode ficar tranquilo que vai bater…

O teu esquema de entrar por satélites é incrível, congrats!

Autor original: Vadiu.

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