Steps Special de 60FPP no Stars

Marcelo: Tô jogando agora um Steps Special no Stars, para mais detalhes veja aqui:

Basicamente o povo vai all-in com qualquer coisa, o torneio está com 10 minutos e já cairam 30 jogadores.

Vou postar algumas mãos aqui.

Primeira mão do torneio:

PokerStars Game #27895888369: Tournament #161544662, 60FPP Hold’em No Limit – Level I (10/20) – 2009/05/06 21:45:13 WET
Table ‘161544662 2’ 10-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: CARMUBER (1000 in chips)
Seat 2: haifiedelity (1000 in chips)
Seat 3: MacSotto (1000 in chips)
Seat 4: amaysing88 (1000 in chips)
Seat 5: JoesGarage (1000 in chips)
Seat 6: vinoroch (1000 in chips)
Seat 7: tarsh18 (1000 in chips)
Seat 8: fearless231 (1000 in chips)
Seat 9: fafiote (1000 in chips)
Seat 10: ProV1000 (1000 in chips)
haifiedelity: posts small blind 10
MacSotto: posts big blind 20
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to MacSotto
amaysing88: folds
JoesGarage: raises 20 to 40
vinoroch: folds
tarsh18: calls 40
fearless231: calls 40
fafiote has timed out
fafiote: folds
fafiote is sitting out
ProV1000: calls 40
haifiedelity: folds
MacSotto: raises 280 to 320
JoesGarage: calls 280
tarsh18: calls 280
fearless231: calls 280
ProV1000: calls 280
*** FLOP ***
MacSotto: bets 680 and is all-in
JoesGarage: calls 680 and is all-in
tarsh18: folds
fearless231: folds
ProV1000: calls 680 and is all-in
*** TURN ***
*** RIVER ***
*** SHOW DOWN ***
MacSotto: shows (two pair, Aces and Sixes)
JoesGarage: shows (two pair, Aces and Sixes – lower kicker)
ProV1000: shows (a pair of Sixes)
MacSotto collected 3650 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 3650 | Rake 0
Seat 1: CARMUBER (button) folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 2: haifiedelity (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 3: MacSotto (big blind) showed and won (3650) with two pair, Aces and Sixes
Seat 4: amaysing88 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 5: JoesGarage showed and lost with two pair, Aces and Sixes
Seat 6: vinoroch folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 7: tarsh18 folded on the Flop
Seat 8: fearless231 folded on the Flop
Seat 9: fafiote folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 10: ProV1000 showed and lost with a pair of Sixes

Marcelo: Nessa eu pensei: wtf? Vou tentar isolar e se fizer par vou pro chão.

Marcelo: Segunda mão que eu joguei, lá pela sexta do torneio.

PokerStars Game #27896127266: Tournament #161544662, 60FPP Hold’em No Limit – Level II (15/30) – 2009/05/06 21:51:57 WET
Table ‘161544662 2’ 10-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 1: tonyiii (740 in chips)
Seat 2: haifiedelity (2390 in chips)
Seat 3: MacSotto (3560 in chips)
Seat 4: amaysing88 (2300 in chips)
Seat 5: jarode21 (470 in chips)
Seat 6: albqfats (1040 in chips)
Seat 7: passion f p (960 in chips)
Seat 8: fearless231 (1620 in chips)
Seat 9: fafiote (830 in chips)
Seat 10: OEKCMSC152 (845 in chips)
OEKCMSC152: posts small blind 15
tonyiii: posts big blind 30
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to MacSotto
haifiedelity: folds
MacSotto: raises 90 to 120
amaysing88: folds
jarode21: folds
albqfats: calls 120
passion f p: folds
fearless231: raises 210 to 330
fafiote: folds
OEKCMSC152: raises 515 to 845 and is all-in
tonyiii: folds
MacSotto: raises 2715 to 3560 and is all-in
albqfats: folds
fearless231: calls 1290 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (1940) returned to MacSotto
*** FLOP ***
*** TURN ***
*** RIVER ***
*** SHOW DOWN ***
MacSotto: shows (a full house, Queens full of Deuces)
fearless231: shows (two pair, Tens and Deuces)
MacSotto collected 1550 from side pot
OEKCMSC152: shows (a pair of Deuces)
MacSotto collected 2685 from main pot
MynameisPL is connected
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 4235 Main pot 2685. Side pot 1550. | Rake 0
Seat 1: tonyiii (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 2: haifiedelity folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 3: MacSotto showed and won (4235) with a full house, Queens full of Deuces
Seat 4: amaysing88 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 5: jarode21 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 6: albqfats folded before Flop
Seat 7: passion f p folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 8: fearless231 showed and lost with two pair, Tens and Deuces
Seat 9: fafiote (button) folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 10: OEKCMSC152 (small blind) showed and lost with a pair of Deuces

Essa eu ganharia só com o par de Q, mas ganhei de full só pra humilhar hehehe

Marcelo: Eita dia bom. 20 minutos de torneio, 55 já sairam. Perdi umas fichas em uma mão anterior e me vem isso. Típica situação de coin-flip, mas como tenho gordura pra queimar…

PokerStars Game #27896614071: Tournament #161544662, 60FPP Hold’em No Limit – Level V (75/150) – 2009/05/06 22:05:43 WET
Table ‘161544662 8’ 10-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: rubin_13 (1025 in chips)
Seat 2: playitsafe (3615 in chips)
Seat 3: roogcash (815 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 4: MacSotto (5925 in chips)
Seat 5: jordanbillie (1015 in chips)
Seat 6: gossy (1585 in chips)
Seat 7: amaysing88 (3905 in chips)
Seat 8: Stez07 (2260 in chips)
Seat 9: abso1ute (735 in chips)
Seat 10: BuckMinster7 (1940 in chips)
Stez07: posts small blind 75
abso1ute: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to MacSotto
BuckMinster7: folds
rubin_13: folds
playitsafe: folds
roogcash: folds
MacSotto: raises 300 to 450
jordanbillie: folds
gossy: raises 1135 to 1585 and is all-in
amaysing88: folds
Stez07: folds
abso1ute: folds
MacSotto: calls 1135
*** FLOP ***
*** TURN ***
*** RIVER ***
*** SHOW DOWN ***
MacSotto: shows (two pair, Aces and Threes)
gossy: shows (two pair, Eights and Threes)
MacSotto collected 3395 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 3395 | Rake 0
Seat 1: rubin_13 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 2: playitsafe folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 3: roogcash folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 4: MacSotto showed and won (3395) with two pair, Aces and Threes
Seat 5: jordanbillie folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 6: gossy showed and lost with two pair, Eights and Threes
Seat 7: amaysing88 (button) folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 8: Stez07 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 9: abso1ute (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 10: BuckMinster7 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)

Marcelo: Muito bom o blefe do cara, eu até desconfiei mas não podia pagar.

PokerStars Game #27896791130: Tournament #161544662, 60FPP Hold’em No Limit – Level VI (100/200) – 2009/05/06 22:10:33 WET
Table ‘161544662 8’ 10-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: rubin_13 (1175 in chips)
Seat 2: playitsafe (3240 in chips)
Seat 3: roogcash (590 in chips)
Seat 4: MacSotto (7360 in chips)
Seat 5: jordanbillie (1540 in chips)
Seat 6: lambi_jojo (650 in chips)
Seat 7: amaysing88 (3755 in chips)
Seat 8: Stez07 (2035 in chips)
Seat 9: juliengo1 (3335 in chips)
Seat 10: BuckMinster7 (2015 in chips)
lambi_jojo: posts small blind 100
amaysing88: posts big blind 200
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to MacSotto
Stez07: folds
juliengo1: folds
BuckMinster7: calls 200
rubin_13: folds
playitsafe: folds
roogcash: folds
MacSotto: calls 200
jordanbillie: folds
lambi_jojo: raises 450 to 650 and is all-in
amaysing88: calls 450
BuckMinster7: calls 450
MacSotto: calls 450
*** FLOP ***
amaysing88: checks
BuckMinster7: checks
MacSotto: bets 800
amaysing88: calls 800
BuckMinster7: folds
*** TURN ***
amaysing88: bets 2305 and is all-in
MacSotto: folds
Uncalled bet (2305) returned to amaysing88
*** RIVER ***
*** SHOW DOWN ***
amaysing88: shows (a pair of Tens)
amaysing88 collected 1600 from side pot
lambi_jojo: shows (a pair of Sixes)
amaysing88 collected 2600 from main pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 4200 Main pot 2600. Side pot 1600. | Rake 0
Seat 1: rubin_13 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 2: playitsafe folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 3: roogcash folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 4: MacSotto folded on the Turn
Seat 5: jordanbillie (button) folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 6: lambi_jojo (small blind) showed and lost with a pair of Sixes
Seat 7: amaysing88 (big blind) showed and won (4200) with a pair of Tens
Seat 8: Stez07 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 9: juliengo1 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 10: BuckMinster7 folded on the Flop

Marcelo: Sem comentários… Que suckout.

PokerStars Game #27897090830: Tournament #161544662, 60FPP Hold’em No Limit – Level VII (150/300) – 2009/05/06 22:18:36 WET
Table ‘161544662 9’ 10-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: haifiedelity (3841 in chips)
Seat 2: Tigerlilly10 (5379 in chips)
Seat 3: bluemli2 (4975 in chips)
Seat 4: gregzila (3938 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 5: Willis3830 (4114 in chips)
Seat 6: MacSotto (5485 in chips)
Seat 7: Elgiovanni1 (2675 in chips)
Seat 8: DerHerthaner (766 in chips)
Seat 9: cgarce (3977 in chips)
Seat 10: Gordon8A (1710 in chips)
haifiedelity: posts the ante 25
Tigerlilly10: posts the ante 25
bluemli2: posts the ante 25
gregzila: posts the ante 25
Willis3830: posts the ante 25
MacSotto: posts the ante 25
Elgiovanni1: posts the ante 25
DerHerthaner: posts the ante 25
cgarce: posts the ante 25
Gordon8A: posts the ante 25
Elgiovanni1: posts small blind 150
DerHerthaner: posts big blind 300
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to MacSotto
cgarce: folds
Gordon8A: folds
haifiedelity: calls 300
Tigerlilly10: calls 300
bluemli2: folds
gregzila: folds
Willis3830: folds
MacSotto: raises 1800 to 2100
Elgiovanni1: folds
DerHerthaner: calls 441 and is all-in
haifiedelity: folds
Tigerlilly10: folds
Uncalled bet (1359) returned to MacSotto
*** FLOP ***
*** TURN ***
*** RIVER ***
*** SHOW DOWN ***
DerHerthaner: shows (a straight, Nine to King)
MacSotto: shows (two pair, Queens and Tens)
DerHerthaner collected 2482 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 2482 | Rake 0
Seat 1: haifiedelity folded before Flop
Seat 2: Tigerlilly10 folded before Flop
Seat 3: bluemli2 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 4: gregzila folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 5: Willis3830 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 6: MacSotto (button) showed and lost with two pair, Queens and Tens
Seat 7: Elgiovanni1 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 8: DerHerthaner (big blind) showed and won (2482) with a straight, Nine to King
Seat 9: cgarce folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 10: Gordon8A folded before Flop (didn’t bet)

Marcelo: E essa aqui? wtf, empate no river? Pelo menos eu ganhei o side pot todo.

PokerStars Game #27897186018: Tournament #161544662, 60FPP Hold’em No Limit – Level VIII (200/400) – 2009/05/06 22:21:09 WET
Table ‘161544662 9’ 10-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 1: haifiedelity (3466 in chips)
Seat 2: Tigerlilly10 (5829 in chips)
Seat 3: bluemli2 (4900 in chips)
Seat 5: Willis3830 (5039 in chips)
Seat 6: MacSotto (4369 in chips)
Seat 7: Elgiovanni1 (2450 in chips)
Seat 8: DerHerthaner (2282 in chips)
Seat 9: cgarce (3402 in chips)
Seat 10: Gordon8A (1235 in chips)
haifiedelity: posts the ante 25
Tigerlilly10: posts the ante 25
bluemli2: posts the ante 25
Willis3830: posts the ante 25
MacSotto: posts the ante 25
Elgiovanni1: posts the ante 25
DerHerthaner: posts the ante 25
cgarce: posts the ante 25
Gordon8A: posts the ante 25
Gordon8A: posts small blind 200
haifiedelity: posts big blind 400
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to MacSotto
Tigerlilly10: folds
bluemli2: folds
Willis3830: calls 400
MacSotto: raises 1600 to 2000
Elgiovanni1: raises 425 to 2425 and is all-in
DerHerthaner: folds
cgarce: folds
Gordon8A: calls 1010 and is all-in
haifiedelity: folds
Willis3830: folds
MacSotto: calls 425
*** FLOP ***
*** TURN ***
*** RIVER ***
*** SHOW DOWN ***
MacSotto: shows (a straight, Ace to Five)
Elgiovanni1: shows (a pair of Kings)
MacSotto collected 2430 from side pot
Gordon8A: shows (a straight, Ace to Five)
Gordon8A collected 2328 from main pot
MacSotto collected 2327 from main pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 7085 Main pot 4655. Side pot 2430. | Rake 0
Seat 1: haifiedelity (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 2: Tigerlilly10 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 3: bluemli2 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 5: Willis3830 folded before Flop
Seat 6: MacSotto showed and won (4757) with a straight, Ace to Five
Seat 7: Elgiovanni1 showed and lost with a pair of Kings
Seat 8: DerHerthaner folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 9: cgarce (button) folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 10: Gordon8A (small blind) showed and won (2328) with a straight, Ace to Five

Marcelo: O cara espera estar com 1.5 BB para empurrar. Depois tem mais é que jogar fora o mouse mesmo.

PokerStars Game #27897743350: Tournament #161544662, 60FPP Hold’em No Limit – Level XI (500/1000) – 2009/05/06 22:35:47 WET
Table ‘161544662 9’ 10-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 2: Tigerlilly10 (6154 in chips)
Seat 3: bluemli2 (3949 in chips)
Seat 4: jordanbillie (1661 in chips)
Seat 5: Willis3830 (4808 in chips)
Seat 6: MacSotto (8451 in chips)
Seat 7: Ales_pit (9299 in chips)
Seat 9: cgarce (13004 in chips)
Tigerlilly10: posts the ante 100
bluemli2: posts the ante 100
jordanbillie: posts the ante 100
Willis3830: posts the ante 100
MacSotto: posts the ante 100
Ales_pit: posts the ante 100
cgarce: posts the ante 100
Willis3830: posts small blind 500
MacSotto: posts big blind 1000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to MacSotto
Ales_pit: folds
cgarce: folds
Tigerlilly10: folds
bluemli2: folds
jordanbillie: raises 561 to 1561 and is all-in
Willis3830: folds
MacSotto: calls 561
*** FLOP ***
*** TURN ***
*** RIVER ***
*** SHOW DOWN ***
MacSotto: shows (two pair, Sixes and Fours)
jordanbillie: shows (a pair of Fours)
MacSotto collected 4322 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 4322 | Rake 0
Seat 2: Tigerlilly10 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 3: bluemli2 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 4: jordanbillie (button) showed and lost with a pair of Fours
Seat 5: Willis3830 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 6: MacSotto (big blind) showed and won (4322) with two pair, Sixes and Fours
Seat 7: Ales_pit folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 9: cgarce folded before Flop (didn’t bet)

Marcelo: Quase cai na bolha!!!!! Mas essa eu mereci, olha esta mão:

PokerStars Game #27897798316: Tournament #161544662, 60FPP Hold’em No Limit – Level XI (500/1000) – 2009/05/06 22:37:14 WET
Table ‘161544662 9’ 10-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 2: Tigerlilly10 (6054 in chips)
Seat 3: bluemli2 (3849 in chips)
Seat 5: Willis3830 (4208 in chips)
Seat 6: MacSotto (11112 in chips)
Seat 7: Ales_pit (9199 in chips)
Seat 9: cgarce (12904 in chips)
Tigerlilly10: posts the ante 100
bluemli2: posts the ante 100
Willis3830: posts the ante 100
MacSotto: posts the ante 100
Ales_pit: posts the ante 100
cgarce: posts the ante 100
MacSotto: posts small blind 500
Ales_pit: posts big blind 1000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to MacSotto
cgarce: folds
Tigerlilly10: folds
bluemli2: folds
Willis3830: folds
MacSotto: raises 2000 to 3000
Ales_pit: calls 2000
*** FLOP ***
MacSotto: checks
Ales_pit: bets 2000
MacSotto: raises 3000 to 5000
Ales_pit: raises 1099 to 6099 and is all-in
MacSotto: calls 1099
*** TURN ***
*** RIVER ***
*** SHOW DOWN ***
MacSotto: shows (two pair, Aces and Jacks)
Ales_pit: shows (two pair, Aces and Queens)
Ales_pit collected 18798 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 18798 | Rake 0
Seat 2: Tigerlilly10 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 3: bluemli2 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 5: Willis3830 (button) folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 6: MacSotto (small blind) showed and lost with two pair, Aces and Jacks
Seat 7: Ales_pit (big blind) showed and won (18798) with two pair, Aces and Queens
Seat 9: cgarce folded before Flop (didn’t bet)

Marcelo: Fiquei super short e só peguei mão ruim. Ai cheguei no big blind, ficando quase all-in. Ninguém veio de raise (falha dos vilões). Não fiz nada no flop nem turn, dei fold com 163 fichas, blinds de 1200/600/125!!!

Ai veio a mão milhagrosa, que me deixou vivo. Caiu um logo depois e ganhei meu ticket do step 1. Agora meu lema é 34 I am all-in.

PokerStars Game #27898000192: Tournament #161544662, 60FPP Hold’em No Limit – Level XII (600/1200) – 2009/05/06 22:42:27 WET
Table ‘161544662 9’ 10-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 2: Tigerlilly10 (9858 in chips)
Seat 3: bluemli2 (1599 in chips)
Seat 5: Willis3830 (8158 in chips)
Seat 6: MacSotto (163 in chips)
Seat 7: Ales_pit (21648 in chips)
Seat 9: cgarce (5900 in chips)
Tigerlilly10: posts the ante 125
bluemli2: posts the ante 125
Willis3830: posts the ante 125
MacSotto: posts the ante 125
Ales_pit: posts the ante 125
cgarce: posts the ante 125
MacSotto: posts small blind 38 and is all-in
Ales_pit: posts big blind 1200
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to MacSotto
cgarce: folds
Tigerlilly10: folds
bluemli2: folds
Willis3830: folds
Uncalled bet (1162) returned to Ales_pit
*** FLOP ***
*** TURN ***
*** RIVER ***
*** SHOW DOWN ***
MacSotto: shows (two pair, Nines and Fours)
Ales_pit: shows (a pair of Nines)
MacSotto collected 826 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 826 | Rake 0
Seat 2: Tigerlilly10 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 3: bluemli2 folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 5: Willis3830 (button) folded before Flop (didn’t bet)
Seat 6: MacSotto (small blind) showed and won (826) with two pair, Nines and Fours
Seat 7: Ales_pit (big blind) showed and lost with a pair of Nines
Seat 9: cgarce folded before Flop (didn’t bet)

Marcelo: Na mão passada o que aconteceu foi que vi na outra mesa um cara que ia ser engolido pelos blinds, por isso cometi esta loucura. Deu certo.


Ai veio a mão milhagrosa, que me deixou vivo. Caiu um logo depois e ganhei meu ticket do step 1. Agora meu lema é 34 I am all-in.

LOL… agora, além do 22 vai de 34 all-in também???? 😮

Parabéns pelo torneio.


Petrillo: 38 fichas all in!!! Hahaha!

Well done man!!

Com esta mão tu ganho a vaga ou vai ter que jogar outro torneio?

Marcelo: Ganhei o step 1.

icemanjr0: Parabens de novo Marcelo, agora vai melhorar o nivel, assim fica muito melhor de jogar, ah essas loucuras acontecem. abraço…

Autor original: Marcelo.

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