Poker Stars

ryok18: Galera hoje por duas vezes o PS desconectou aqui em casa, uma delas agora enquanto estou escrevendo esse post, minha internet esta normal tentei abrir o PS no Netbook também não rolou, aconteceu com alguem ai tb ?

kfodao: normal aqui

100RS: Normal

Faellmg: fino aqui, e to no 3G

Vadiu: a minha desconectou um tempo e nao voltou tb, gravei tudo e perdi alguns bis

kfodao: eu queria que o PS tivesse ficado o dia todo off aqui
dia sick

carlaocosta: a minha desconectou por varias vezes hoje mas voltava em seguida

Vadiu: q tilt, tava jogando forte hj e o stars caiu…. tava gravando a tela e gravei tudo, mandei email pro support mas recebi uma resposta padrão… banquei o chato e mandei uma tréplica ….

dudizin: Comigo ficou tranquilo.

Alguem sabe me informar se o PS funciona legal com conexões de internet compartilhada ? Tipo wi-fi de faculdade.

Sarsante: joguei no final da tarde e n tive problemas.

afsalagoas: Comigo ficou tranquilo.

Alguem sabe me informar se o PS funciona legal com conexões de internet compartilhada ? Tipo wi-fi de faculdade.

O pokerstars tem um dos melhores softwares em relação a % de banda de internet. Com 128kbps sem oscilação, da para fazer multitabling sem problema nenhum. A questão de utilizar essas redes públicas é achar Keylogger e associados e ter problemas no futuro.

Um usuário aqui do fórum teve sua conta bloqueada porque o gateway apontava servidores dos USA e levou um bom tempo para comprovar que não tinha nenhuma associação.

Vadiu: Pessoal que está tendo problemas com conexão, por favor façam o seguinte:

1. From PokerStars Main Lobby click on “Help” and “Network Status”.
2. When this window opens click on the “Report” button and wait 30 seconds.
3. Once the confirmation pop up appears, click “OK” and close the Network Status window.
4. In the PokerStars Main Lobby, go to “Help” and select “Open My Settings Folder”.
5. Once the folder window opens, locate the file “NetworkStatusReport.log”.
6. Drag the file out to your Desktop to make it easier to access.

mandem o email com o zip pra mim que eu vou juntar tudo e mandar pro support do ps, eles tão de brincadeira… segue em spoiler nossa conversa:

Hello Andre,

Thank you for your patience, your email was escalated to the Technical department due to the nature of your case.

First off, please accept my most sincere apologies for the previous suggestions given. We are not trying deny the fact that a connection problem between you and our site is occurring on a regular (sporadic) basis, nor that this could not be occurring to other players; but we do wish to ensure that nothing on your end can add up to this situation and generate more problems than those which are beyond your and our control.

Please allow me to elaborate. Note that you will often be able to check Email, browse other sites and even play on other poker sites, despite your connection to PokerStars experiencing brief outages. This is because the path (the chain of machines) between you and each destination site you visit is different. The path to your Email server, for example, is very short since your Email server is usually right there at your Internet Network Provider. The path to another poker site, will not be to the Isle of Man.

I’m sure you know this, the Internet is a peer to peer network. Information between your computer and our servers will pass through a large number (8 to 24 or more) of “peers”, machines that are not ours and that also do not belong to your Internet Network Provider. Your connection is only as good as the worst of these machines. If any single one of these is having trouble, or fails to properly forward your data, you will experience a disconnect.

From Florianapolis to the Isle of Man there are literally 10,000 kilometers (9992.3 km to be precise). However, data over the Internet does not travel in a straight line. It goes through many many cables, above ground, underground and even underwater. These connections are owned by private companies and the connections are sold to the major backbones, who in turn sell them to local Internet Service Providers, who in turn sell them to users (like you and me).

If several players are experiencing problems of this sort, it is very likely that there is a regional problem with the Internet Service Provider and the backbone they are using to route the data all the way to the Isle of Man. The causes for these problems are many. It could be a badly programmed router, a failing router, maintenance on routers, power outages, router overloads… you name it.

However, if this is the case, I am sorry to say that we cannot be held responsible, as these routers and connections do not belong to us. And sadly, they likely don’t belong to your direct ISP either. So where does this leaves us? In a very bad place indeed. We make our best with our Network Operators to get the data routed to our players and regions through the best working backbones. We got people monitoring regional problems 24/7. So any time a big problems that come up, we do our best to redirect traffic. This is not perfect, we can only re-route the outgoing data, but it does help a lot. So if a big regional problem is in fact occurring with Brazil, we would likely know and alleviate.

Sadly, there are many levels of problems. And small, sporadic regional problems cannot be alleviated, since they are temporary and by the time any fix can be implemented, the issue is gone.

I believe this is why you you experienced the disconnection issues on the 17th, even though other websites or poker sites were running perfectly. There was a small, sporadic regional problem.

Nevertheless, Andre, we want to help you get to the bottom of this. And if you are willing to investigate further with us, we would love to review a Network Status Report file generated during your next connectivity problem. This could help us pin point the exact place where the connection is failing, and come up with suggestions that may help you improve the quality of your connection to our servers.

To get the Network Status Report, please do the following when you get disconnected:

1. From PokerStars Main Lobby click on “Help” and “Network Status”.
2. When this window opens click on the “Report” button and wait 30 seconds.
3. Once the confirmation pop up appears, click “OK” and close the Network Status window.
4. In the PokerStars Main Lobby, go to “Help” and select “Open My Settings Folder”.
5. Once the folder window opens, locate the file “NetworkStatusReport.log”.
6. Drag the file out to your Desktop to make it easier to access.
7. Attach the file to an email and send it to

In addition to that file, please let us know two very important additional information items:

i. ISP (Internet Service Provider, company name that provides your Internet service)
ii. Router/Modem (i.e Dlink DI-624, Linksys WRTG54GS, etc…)

Once we have the Network Status Report to examine and the details about your ISP and Router/Modem; we will get back to you with more information about your particular case.

Thank you for your cooperation. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.


PokerStars Technical Specialist

Vadiu: From: [email protected]
Sent: 2012/04/19 11:51:49
Subject: Re: PokerStars Technical Support – Network Status Report
No, dear support, thats not my case. In fact much more other brazilian
friends who grind on stars are also having the same problem. As you can see
on the video Download starsbug 04.17.avi other
sites was online while only and the client was offline.

Im a moderator of a brazilian forum and a lot of people are complaining
about the very same problem

2012/4/19 PokerStars Support>
Hello Andre,

Thank you for your email with the requested PokerStars log files.

We are sorry for the problem you have experienced. First of all we invite
you to test your connection wired and not wireless, if you ever do so.
Wireless connection does not meet the requirements to play on PokerStars.
We do not recommend players use Wireless connections.

Disconnects may be common when using a wireless connection which
frequently suffers small packet losses. If you desire, we can explain this
to you in greater detail.

It is advisable to restart the client when it occurs. To log back in to
the tournament, please close PokerStars and then reopen it as this will
reestablish the connection. You can find the tournament you were at by
going to the ‘Requests’ menu, then click on ‘Registered in Tournaments’.
The pop up window will show you which tournaments you are registered in.
Select the tournament you wish to go to and click on ‘Go There’. You can
also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+R.

Unfortunately the requested network status report was not included in the
zip file you have sent, therefore, as soon as a connection happens again,
please send the requested report.

You can run the Network Status Report tool by itself, without launching
the PokerStars client and without running it as administrator. You will
need to create a folder in a directory that your current account can write
to, for example your Desktop.

Locate the PokerStars directory (C:Program FilesPokerStars) and copy
the following two files from the PokerStars directory into your newly
created folder:


Then double click on “tracer.exe” in your newly created folder and click
on the “Report” button. Your Network Status Report
“NetworkStatusReport.log” will be saved in this folder if you are using
Windows XP.

However, if you are using Widows Vista or Windows 7, a pop up will show up
with the location of the folder where the file was saved (Usually
C:UsersuserAppDataLocalPokerStars). Please attach it to your reply.

Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to assisting you

Kind regards,

Massimiliano Ri
PokerStars Technical Specialist

We are poker!

—– Original Message —–
From: [email protected]
Sent: 2012/04/18 21:38:35
Subject: Re: PokerStars Technical Support – Disconnections While Playing –
Windows 7

>Hi, yes the internet here in brazil is pretty awfull and some connection
>issues are normal around here. Im glad my neighbor let me use her internet
>when mine goes off.
>But today early afternoon the issue was on the client only. As you can see
>on the video that I sent,
> i managed to open
>and several other sites, but the client and was offline.
>I already sent the log with the last email, but here goes the zip file
>again .
>Thanks again.
>2012/4/18 PokerStars Support>
>> Hello Andre,
>> Thank you for your email.
>> Unfortunately we could not open your video link, however we did notice
>> that starting the start of March you have been having connection
>> If your connection is only poor for PokerStars or has been a long-term
>> reoccurring connection issue, it is possible it is revealing a
>> stability issue that will not manifest itself on most other Internet
>> and applications. We are willing to assist you in trying to isolate and
>> resolve this issue and will require some information about your system
>> connection. First you may wish to learn more about disconnections and
>> common causes found on our Frequently Asked Questions web page.
>> Internet Poker Download FAQ – Free Poker Downloads, Questions, and Answers
>> If the information here fails to assist you in isolating the cause of
>> disconnection, please provide us with the following information so we
>> help.
>> Among the things we will need to know are:
>> Computer Processor (i.e. Pentium 4, 2.4 GHz, etc…)
>> System RAM (i.e. 512 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB, etc…)
>> Connection Type (i.e. Dial-Up, Cable, DSL, Satellite, etc…)
>> ISP (Internet Service Provider, company name that provides your
>> service)
>> Router/Modem (i.e Dlink DI-624, Linksys WRTG54GS, etc…)
>> We will also require the Network Status Report from our software.
>> elevate the PokerStars program to Administrator to allow the software
>> save the Network Status Report. To accomplish this you will need to
>> click the PokerStars shortcut and select “Run as Administrator”. If
you do
>> not see this option it means that your Windows Account is not an
>> Administrator, in this case you will need to get the Administrator to
>> into the computer for you.
>> Once PokerStars has loaded please click on Help -> Network Status. When
>> this dialog opens click on the Report button. This report is saved to
>> PokerStars settings folder which you will need to locate and send to
us for
>> review. To send this to us please do the following:
>> 1. Open the Main Lobby
>> 2. Go to Help
>> 3. Go to Log Files
>> 4. Select “Save Log Files as ZIP…”
>> 5. Save the file to your Desktop, you may have to navigate to the
>> as the default location is the PokerStars Settings Folder
>> 6. Reply to this email
>> 7. Click on Attach File (or similar option)
>> 8. Select the ZIP file located in your Desktop or wherever you chose to
>> save the file
>> 9. Click OK and send the email
>> Once we have received the above information we will take a more
>> review and provide a response.
>> We hope to hear from you soon and if you have any questions, please
let us
>> know.
>> Henry M
>> PokerStars Technical Specialist
>> —– Original Message —–
>> From: [email protected]
>> Sent: 2012/04/18 16:07:50
>> To:
>> Subject: Client went offline
>> >Hi dear support, just reporting that the PS client went offline
>> >and did not returned until i close and reopen the software.
>> >
>> >attached i’m sendig the report log file
>> >In the link we have the live recording of the bug, fortunaly, I was
>> >recording when it happened.
>> >
>> >
>> >Despite I was playing many games and buy-ins rangeing from $30 to
$100, i
>> >wish to ask my buy-in back ($30) for the game #548382783 if
possible. As
>> >you can see on the video it was a Hyperturbo game and i lost the
>> >playability of several and important hands.
>> >
>> >
>> >Thanks in advance, and sorry for my bad english.

bobkirst: Vo tenta gravar o arquivo e te mandar tb Vadiu … Não consigo ficar 40min com o stars aberto sem que ele caia e conecte novamente uns 2 min depois … Isso ta acontecendo bem freqüente …

Autor original: ryok18.

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