$55 Middleweight. The Counterpunch II – $2.5K Gtd

LeoVitorGT: Sugestões de como poderia ter jogado melhor esta mão.

Blinds-Antes(150/300 -30)

Total number of players : 6/8
Seat 6: LeoVitorGT ( 32,376 )
Seat 5: SB ( 66,147 )
Seat 4: Button ( 38,565 )
Seat 2: HJ ( 22,808 )
Seat 1: MP ( 26,693 )
Seat 3: CO ( 30,469 )

** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to LeoVitorGT
Seat 1 raises
Seat 2 calls
Seat 3 folds
Seat 4 folds
Seat 5 folds
LeoVitorGT raises
Seat 1 calls
Seat 2 calls

** Dealing Flop **
LeoVitorGT bets
Seat 1 calls
Seat 2 calls

** Dealing Turn **
LeoVitorGT bets
Seat 1 calls
Seat 2 folds

** Dealing River **
LeoVitorGT checks
Seat 1 checks

LeoVitorGT shows a pair of Queens.
shark121212 doesn’t show high card Ace.

LeoVitorGT wins 44,330 chips from the main pot with a pair of Queens.

Exorciser: Talvez um Check turn, LeoVitorGT .

Mas, apesar da sugestão, achei NH.

Se ele aposta river, você larga o QQ?

LeoVitorGT: Eu até pensei nesse check turn Exorciser, mas considerei que poderia dar espaço para ele dar um squeeze e preferi betar, o check river foi para ele betar mesmo, mas ele foi de behind. Imaginei que se ele estivesse com um Ás, teria feito 3bet turn. Fiquei surpreso com o KJ, imaginei ele com um par médio até JJ, não considerei que ele poderia pagar minhas apostas até o turn com uma broadway off semi-conectada. Meu edge para estes torneios Mid-Hi é muito ruim ainda. Graças ao freeroll de quarta dá para tentar esses tiros.
Perdi umas mãos bobas, vou postar quando der uma folga.

Enviado de meu ASUS_T00J usando Tapatalk

LeoVitorGT: Vou postar algumas mãos do mesmo torneio abaixo.
Essas são da mesma mesa do 1 post. A mão do primeiro post aconteceu entre estas duas.

Mão 1 (Valor):

Blinds-Antes(125/250 -25)

Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 7/8
Seat 7: Button ( 24,043 )
Seat 5: HJ LeoVitorGT ( 28,995 )
Seat 1: SB ( 40,770 )
Seat 6: CO ( 29,140 )
Seat 3: UTG ( 27,275 )
Seat 2: BB ( 33,275 )
Seat 4: MP ( 27,955 )

Seat 1 posts small blind .
Seat 2 posts big blind .

** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to LeoVitorGT
Seat 3 folds
Seat 4 will be using their time bank for this hand.
Seat 4 folds
LeoVitorGT raises
Seat 6 folds
Seat 7 calls
Seat 1 folds
Seat 2 raises Já tinha um tempo que eu estava querendo pegar ele
Your time bank will be activated in 6 secs. If you do not want it to be used, please act now.
LeoVitorGT raises 4betado com sucesso!
Seat 7 folds
Seat 2 folds
LeoVitorGT does not show cards.
LeoVitorGT wins 7,921 chips

Mão 2 (Overplay JJ):

Blinds-Antes(200/400 -40)

Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 7/8
Seat 6: Button LeoVitorGT ( 56,806 )
Seat 7: SB ( 37,002 )
Seat 5: CO ( 63,457 )
Seat 4: HJ ( 38,795 )
Seat 2: UTG ( 11,673 )
Seat 1: BB ( 10,156 )
Seat 3: MP ( 29,169 )

Seat 7 posts small blind .
Seat 1 posts big blind .

** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to LeoVitorGT
Seat 2 raises
Seat 3 folds
Seat 4 folds
Seat 5 folds
Your time bank will be activated in 6 secs. If you do not want it to be used, please act now.
LeoVitorGT raises
Seat 7 will be using their time bank for this hand.
Seat 7 raises
Seat 1 folds
Seat 2 folds
LeoVitorGT calls

** Dealing Flop **
Seat 7 will be using their time bank for this hand.
Seat 7 checks
LeoVitorGT bets
Seat 7 will be using their time bank for this hand.
Seat 7 calls

** Dealing Turn **
Seat 7 will be using their time bank for this hand.
Seat 7 checks
LeoVitorGT bets
Seat 7 will be using their time bank for this hand.
Seat 7 folds
LeoVitorGT does not show cards.
LeoVitorGT wins 37,960 chips

LeoVitorGT: As próximas mãos são de outra mesa e são as que mataram meu jogo. São todas contra o mesmo vilão. Ele estava começando a abrir o range, amava uma blind war e roubava sempre que podia, era capaz de limpar com mãos monstro de MP, até posições finais. Eu perdi todas contra esse camarada… >8(

Mão 1 (Blefe):

Blinds-Antes(300/600 -60)

Seat 8 is the button
Total number of players : 8/8
Seat 1: SB ( 69,493 )
Seat 5: MP ( 45,834 )
Seat 2: BB LeoVitorGT ( 38,396 )
Seat 4: UTG+1 ( 52,657 )
Seat 7: CO ( 22,784 )
Seat 8: Button ( 31,873 )
Seat 3: UTG ( 33,469 )
Seat 6: HJ ( 31,492 )

Seat 1 posts small blind .
LeoVitorGT posts big blind .

** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to LeoVitorGT
Seat 3 folds
Seat 4 folds
Seat 5 folds
Seat 6 folds
Seat 7 folds
Seat 8 folds
Seat 1 calls
LeoVitorGT raises
Seat1 calls

** Dealing Flop ** 2s, 3d, Ks
Seat 1 checks
LeoVitorGT bets
Seat 1 calls

** Dealing Turn ** As
Seat 1 checks
LeoVitorGT checks Analisando pós jogo, acho que perdi a mão nesse check behind…

** Dealing River ** Td
Seat 1 checks
LeoVitorGT bets Na hora achei um bom bet
Seat 1 calls

LeoVitorGT shows high card Ace.
Seat 1 shows a pair of Fives.
Seat 1 wins 19,080 chips from the main pot with a pair of Fives.

Mão 2 (Valor):

Blinds-Antes(400/800 -80)

Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 7/8
Seat 1: CO ( 88,243 )
Seat 5: UTG ( 32,428 )
Seat 2: Button LeoVitorGT ( 14,936 )
Seat 4: BB ( 43,765 )
Seat 8: HJ ( 39,314 )
Seat 3: SB ( 48,379 )
Seat 6: MP ( 43,279 )

Seat 3 posts small blind .
Seat 4 posts big blind .

** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to LeoVitorGT
Seat 5 folds
Seat 6 folds
Seat 8 folds
Seat 1 raises
LeoVitorGT calls
Seat 3 folds
Seat 4 folds

** Dealing Flop ** Ac, Kd, 5h
Seat 1 checks
LeoVitorGT checks

** Dealing Turn ** 6d
Seat 1 checks
LeoVitorGT bets
Seat 1 calls

** Dealing River **
Seat 1 checks
LeoVitorGT checks

Seat 1 shows two pairs, Kings and Sixes.
LeoVitorGT doesn’t show a pair of Kings.
Seat 1wins 9,760 chips from the main pot with two pairs, Kings and Sixes.

Mão 3 (Valor Overplay):

Blinds-Antes(500/1.000 -100)

Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 8/8
Seat 1: UTG ( 90,363 )
Seat 5: CO ( 32,088 )
Seat 2: UTG+1 LeoVitorGT ( 27,092 )
Seat 4: HJ ( 39,925 )
Seat 8: BB ( 30,194 )
Seat 3: MP ( 63,539 )
Seat 7: SB ( 14,704 )
Seat 6: Button ( 42,439 )

Seat 7 posts small blind .
Seat 8 posts big blind .

** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to LeoVitorGT
Seat 1 will be using their time bank for this hand.
Seat 1 raises
LeoVitorGT raises
Seat 3 folds
Seat 4 folds
Seat 5 folds
Seat 6 folds
Seat 7 folds
Seat 8 folds
Seat 1 calls
** Dealing Flop ** 6d, Ad, Jc
Seat 1 checks
LeoVitorGT checks (Errei de novo com outro check behind flop)

** Dealing Turn ** 9c
Seat 1 checks
LeoVitorGT is all-In
Seat 1 calls

** Dealing River ** 3h
Seat 1 shows a pair of Jacks.
LeoVitorGT shows a pair of Eights.
Seat 1 wins 56,284 chips from the main pot with a pair of Jacks.

E foi GG pra mim

Mão 4 (Valor): Contra outro vilão. Aconteceu entre a mão 1 e 2.

Blinds-Antes(400/800 -80)

Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 7/8
Seat 1: BB ( 104,163 )
Seat 5: CO ( 25,228 )
Seat 2: UTG LeoVitorGT ( 29,036 )
Seat 4: HJ ( 45,765 )
Seat 8: SB ( 29,554 )
Seat 3: MP ( 36,655 )
Seat 6: Button ( 39,943 )

Seat 8 posts small blind .
Seat 1 posts big blind .

** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to LeoVitorGT
LeoVitorGT raises
Seat 3 calls
Seat 4 folds
Seat 5 folds
Seat 6 folds
Seat 8 folds
Seat 1 folds

** Dealing Flop ** Js, 6c, 7d
LeoVitorGT bets
Seat 3 calls

** Dealing Turn **
LeoVitorGT bets (Tentei proteger e acabei blefando a mão e dando margem para o vilão dar esse shove)
Seat 3 is all-In
Your time bank will be activated in 6 secs. If you do not want it to be used, please act now.
LeoVitorGT folds
Seat 3 does not show cards.
Seat 3 wins 49,235 chips

LeoVitorGT: Aguardo críticas e sugestões amigos.
Exorciser Anderson0001 Heartbreaker prof_anselmo VIVÃO e quem mais puder e quiser opinar.


VIVÃO: Achei interessante sua linha de raciocinio , mas , aquele 69o ficou muito fora da reta, principalmente pois o A turn era tudo que voce queria num total bluff, acabou nao aprovietando. de resto nada absurdo.

LeoVitorGT: Foi o que pensei quando estava revendo a mão. É a mente que as vezes ainda fica pensando em cartas e não em range.
Valeu man!

Autor original: LeoVitorGT.

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