Sometimes it seems complicated to understand what to do or what not to do when you start playing poker, right? With this in mind, the simple will probably be more useful than the complex. Below you'll find 10 basic tips that are easy to understand and apply, and will make all the difference to your poker learning. By mastering these 10 basic concepts you will certainly be many steps ahead of your opponents.
1-Don't play all the hands;
Most beginners play a lot of hands. You have to be selective with your starting hands so that you don't have to make difficult decisions after the flop.
2-Knowing when to hold on and when to give up;
There's no shame in giving up your cards. Many beginners continue to bet or call knowing that the chance of winning is minimal. Professional players say that knowing how to fold losing hands is the key to being a winning player.
3-Try to choose matches where you can win;
If you want to win, choose matches with an appropriate limit where you can beat the other players. If you have trouble winning, play cheaper games until you find opponents at your level. When you play poker, leave your ego at home.
4-Study your opponents;
The best time to observe other players is when you're not in the hand. Pay attention to their bets, what position they're in and what cards they show at the end of the hand.
5-You have to understand the importance of the position relative to the button (dealer);
Not only is knowing how to play good hands vital in poker, but it's also very important to play them in good position: the best are the button and the position before the button, because they allow you to see how your opponents act before it's your turn to play.
6-Bet to find out what your opponents have;
Don't always bet that you have the best hand. Professionals use various techniques in their betting to find out "how their opponents are doing". Avoid calling a stronger bet to see the following cards. A raise with an average hand can indicate your opponent's strength.
7-Try to put your opponents in a range of hands;
Try to put yourself in your opponents' shoes when they bet or raise. If you've made notes, this information can help you make a decision in the next rounds of betting, as you'll have an idea of what kind of cards they might be playing.
8-Learn how to bluff or semi-bluff;
At the right time, against the right player and not too often, a bluff can be very effective. It's always good to have a plan "b" up your sleeve, i.e. the semi-bluff would be well executed with a pair or when you're on a draw.
Note: Use when there is little chance that your opponent will pay, or when there is a good chance of improving your game.
9-Change your play as the blinds increase or decrease;
You have to be unpredictable. You have to change your image from time to time so that other players can't be sure what you have when you're in a hand. From time to time you have to play marginal hands, preferably in good position. These changes should be subtle and not drastically change the number of hands you play. Keep an eye on your opponents' stacks. Try not to clash with the Big Stacks or the Short Stacks, as they won't have any trouble taking chips from you. Always aim for the medium stacks.
10-Read a lot about poker: write down tips, articles, forums and practice a lot;
Theory is essential, and this is the task you have to carry out in order to improve your game. If you're serious about poker, you'll have to dedicate time to study, you'll need patience to play and the humility to recognize that you need help. Making friends is very important for improving your game and understanding of this psychology.
Article adapted from forum topic Poker Tips.
Author: TSawyer
Great tips. Keep publishing them
Thanks for the compliment, Sergio!
We publish about 2~3 articles a week. Enjoy your studies!
Thank you!
Good tips, I've been reading a lot here and evolving my game more and more! Thank you
Well done, Jean.
We're very pleased to hear that.
I'm on my way out.
I loved the tips, I'll definitely follow them, thanks
Well done, Voathur!
GL on the tables.
Great tips, and practice is really important. I got interested in poker a few months ago, I've been practicing through offline games, but I miss playing with people. I haven't met anyone experienced yet so I can play and chat!
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