pokerstars 0,25$

diogobillie: hello
I have 20 euros in the pokerstarsI'm playing the 0.25$ sites because I think it's good for gaining experience on the sites.
the problem is that i can't win any, because i have a lot of problems in the middle stage. i've tried playing looser in this stage, but i end up losing (because i raise with big hands, and end up hitting nothing on the flop). and i've tried being tighter in the middle stage, but it doesn't work.
I don't know what I can do to improve my game in the middle stages, because I end up with too few chips and I always go all in and lose, even with a big hand.
Can you help me?

afsalagoas: You only get ITM if you manage to win a significant amount of chips at the start.

Or hit several all-ins at the end.

Try to win a good amount of chips at the start, and adjust according to the ITM rating.

I'm too tight, wanting to ship something bigger, so I always lose. When I play tight, and only quiet hands, I manage to get to ITM, remembering small things. But the values are always small. It makes me sad, after 3 or 4 hours, and the guy makes 0.50, it's like fire. I'm going to try to win a few free ones, to get into something bigger, 1.10 or 2.20 NHL.

Lacerdarc: I've played PS's $0.25 SNG MTT (45 players) several times. Every 3 or 4 times I played, on average, 1 time I got ITM, so it was profitable.

In the beginning, I played tighter, and only entered the pot with good hands, 99+/ A10+ /9 10s+. Or when I had a position on players who could be exploited post-flop with a floating hand, for example.

Ideally, you should try to double your bankroll at the beginning or middle of the tournament (there are a lot of guys who go down with top pair and can therefore be exploited) so that when there are about 15 players left (7 are ITM), you can play safer, taking advantage of the position, without having to go into push/fold mode too early.

I hope I've helped.

Eddwards003: I'm also just starting out on these 0.25 45 men sits, to tell you the truth I've only played 4 and got ITM in 2, one in 3rd place and the other I cracked 1st. I intend to play another 40 in the next few days to get a better idea.
But I noticed a lot of donkeys playing, which means you see bizarre moves all the time and there's no point in making them up.

The strategy you should use is to be tight from the start and in the middle phase, playing the premium hands tightly and folding without fear of being happy when nothing hits the flop (Ak, AQ, AJ is not a made hand, so if nothing turns up, let it go). This will increase your stack to between 3,000 and 5,000 chips. From the middle to the end, you'll have built up a very tight image at the table and so you can start stealing the blinds with raises in 4bb position that don't compromise your stack (always observing the way your opponents have played, if possible using the notes).

On the bubble, the stakes are high and usually those who have made it this far play at least reasonably well. My tip is to take advantage of your opponents' fear to steal the pots, but of course with hands that have a minimum chance of being paid off. At a certain point, if you don't have a monster stack, you'll notice that you're playing push or fold, so you need to have a certain knowledge of ICM to make the best decisions.

However, don't get discouraged, study, don't just play, read a lot, go over your hands and try to identify your mistakes, because believe me, if you're never getting ITM, it's not bad luck and it's not your opponents who are very good. It's you who needs to improve in order to beat the field. If you have any questions, drop me a line at [email protected] and I'll be happy to give you more tips.

Poker_Minsk: May 2010?

afsalagoas: Dude got excited minsk because he managed to runn those 0.25 sngs. May 2010, two months of Poker I had heheheh.

Leave him alone!

Poker_Minsk: Eheh I understand the feeling and I think it's good to share ideas and concepts. But I found it strange to give the email to discuss strategies to a person whose post was more than 1 year ago eheh. I don't think he realized it. Keep fighting Eddwards and good luck 😉

MrsTowers: I'm just starting out with these 0.25 45 men, to tell you the truth I've only played 4 and got ITM in 2, one in 3rd place and the other I cracked 1st. I intend to play another 40 in the next few days to get a better idea.
But I noticed a lot of donkeys playing, which means you see bizarre moves all the time and there's no point in making them up.

The strategy you should use is to be tight from the start and in the middle phase, playing the premium hands tightly and folding without fear of being happy when nothing hits the flop (Ak, AQ, AJ is not a made hand, so if nothing turns up, let it go). This will increase your stack to between 3,000 and 5,000 chips. From the middle to the end, you'll have built up a very tight image at the table and so you can start stealing the blinds with raises in 4bb position that don't compromise your stack (always observing the way your opponents have played, if possible using the notes).

On the bubble, the stakes are high and usually those who have made it this far play at least reasonably well. My tip is to take advantage of your opponents' fear to steal the pots, but of course with hands that have a minimum chance of being paid off. At a certain point, if you don't have a monster stack, you'll notice that you're playing push or fold, so you need to have a certain knowledge of ICM to make the best decisions.

However, don't get discouraged, study, don't just play, read a lot, go over your hands and try to identify your mistakes, because believe me, if you're never getting ITM, it's not bad luck and it's not your opponents who are very good. It's you who needs to improve in order to beat the field. If you have any questions, drop me a line at [email protected] and I'll be happy to give you more tips.

I liked what you wrote, that's what it really is...
And whether or not it's an old post, it will help anyone passing by.

JacKJoKKer: watch Edu's videos 😉

goldpoint: I deleted what I wrote. My mistake,

Poker_Minsk: You looked wrong, this is MY post, showing the result to EDDWARD. It's not his post. It's mine.

Drugs? :P. Now I really don't understand loool, it must be sleep eheh

Eddwards003: Guys, I really didn't realize the date, I'm new here on the forum and I'm not very used to it, I was just trying to help the friend, because although I have little experience, I managed to adapt to the sng 45n and I just passed on my email because I thought I could also learn. I saw that some people were upset by this and I apologize. But as I'm new and come from an outside perspective I can say: be careful with these repressions on newbies, because many unregistered users reading this kind of thing written by old users, feel unable to register for the little knowledge they have, and new users feel repressed to post something, for fear of being made fun of.

I believe that it is the sharing of experiences that makes a forum useful, and if there are no new people, the knowledge becomes closed, from just a few people who, although they are experts, are not the owners of the truth.

Thanks to everyone who supported me and sorry for the gaffe.

afsalagoas: Edwards003,

Don't worry, the topic is old, that's why people commented on it.

You certainly have a lot to learn and especially to teach on this forum. Sometimes a little more experience from some users, including me, can overlook "small" issues that everyone was a beginner at one time.


Poker_Minsk: Eddwards with what you said you got the first Thank You from me ;).

I agree with everything you've said. In no way did I mean to scold you (far be it from me to do that, it's not something I do and above all I scold when it's not done so that the other person can develop. I like constructive criticism, not destructive). When a topic is "dug up" there is usually an appreciation so that the person realizes that it is already out of date.

Imagine someone selling credits, a person posts 1 year later waiting for a response from credits that have possibly already been sold, re-sold and blown up lol.

Over time you'll notice that I'm a bit of a joker and in no way meant to disrespect anyone. I try to make people feel more comfortable and uninhibited with my jokes, because sometimes, as you said, "newbies" are afraid to post. I think you misunderstood my intrusion. I apologize because I gave you an idea that was completely contrary to what I intended.

Keep posting because we are all on this path of development, growth and achievement together!

PS: The first thank you you'll never forget 😉

Original author: diogobillie.

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