Sunday Million 05/06/11

RodBarreto: Vamo que vamooo!

ID: 423020010

Começou tem 5 minutos!

RodBarreto: Poker Stars $200+$15 USD No Limit Hold’em Tournament, Blinds: t20/t40 PokerDicas

9 players
equinespy (UTG): t8,920 ( M:148.67 )
hetfly89 (UTG+1): t9,980 ( M:166.33 )
vinnye500 (UTG+2): t11,238 ( M:187.30 )
abcd1951 (MP): t9,682 ( M:161.37 )
belindass (MP+1): t10,605 ( M:176.75 )
RodBarreto (CO): t10,000 ( M:166.67 )
z81ima (BTN): t9,940 ( M:165.67 )
L@ndy (SB): t9,840 ( M:164.00 )
imcastleman (BB): t9,795 ( M:163.25 )

Hero is CO with Khearts, Kclubs

Preflop: ( t60 )
equinespy raises to t120, 4 folds, RodBarreto raises to t390, 3 folds, equinespy raises to t999, RodBarreto raises to t2,111, equinespy raises to t8,920 ( all-in ), RodBarreto calls t6,809

Flop: ( t17,900 ) 4diamonds, 8hearts, Qdiamonds (2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: ( t17,900 ) 4spades (2 players, 1 all-in)

River: ( t17,900 ) Tdiamonds (2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: t17,900
equinespy had Aspades, Ahearts
RodBarreto had Khearts, Kclubs
equinespy collects t17,900 from pot

Tex Wilde: sick sick sick…

Poker_Minsk: Que começo 🙁

Poker Stars $200+$15 USD No Limit Hold’em Tournament, Blinds: t30/t60 PokerDicas

9 players
equinespy (BB): t16,684 ( M:185.38 )
hetfly89 (UTG): t9,920 ( M:110.22 )
vinnye500 (UTG+1): t9,446 ( M:104.96 )
abcd1951 (UTG+2): t24,085 ( M:267.61 )
belindass (MP): t9,012 ( M:100.13 )
RodBarreto (MP+1): t515 ( M:5.72 )
z81ima (CO): t8,912 ( M:99.02 )
L@ndy (BTN): t1,751 ( M:19.46 )
imcastleman (SB): t9,675 ( M:107.50 )

Hero is MP+1 with 9hearts, 9spades

Preflop: ( t90 )
1 fold, vinnye500 raises to t240, 2 folds, RodBarreto raises to t515 ( all-in ), 4 folds, vinnye500 calls t275

Flop: ( t1,120 ) 8diamonds, Khearts, 7clubs (2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: ( t1,120 ) 5diamonds (2 players, 1 all-in)

River: ( t1,120 ) 9clubs (2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: t1,120
vinnye500 had Aclubs, 4hearts
RodBarreto had 9hearts, 9spades
RodBarreto collects t1,120 from pot


Poker Stars $200+$15 USD No Limit Hold’em Tournament, Blinds: t30/t60 PokerDicas

8 players
equinespy (UTG+1): t18,143 ( M:201.59 )
hetfly89 (MP): t9,830 ( M:109.22 )
vinnye500 (MP+1): t5,901 ( M:65.57 )
abcd1951 (CO): t24,175 ( M:268.61 )
belindass (BTN): t7,081 ( M:78.68 )
RodBarreto (SB): t1,060 ( M:11.78 )
L@ndy (BB): t5,493 ( M:61.03 )
imcastleman (UTG): t9,645 ( M:107.17 )

Hero is SB with 9clubs, Thearts

Preflop: ( t90 )
5 folds, belindass calls t60, RodBarreto calls t30, L@ndy checks

Flop: ( t180 ) 9hearts, 3clubs, 6diamonds (3 players)
RodBarreto checks, L@ndy bets t120, belindass calls t120, RodBarreto raises to t1,000 ( all-in ), 1 fold, belindass calls t880

Turn: ( t2,300 ) 2spades (2 players, 1 all-in)

River: ( t2,300 ) 3diamonds (2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: t2,300
belindass had Jdiamonds, Kdiamonds
RodBarreto had 9clubs, Thearts
RodBarreto collects t2,300 from pot

RodBarreto: Poker Stars $200+$15 USD No Limit Hold’em Tournament, Blinds: t60/t120 PokerDicas

9 players
equinespy (UTG+2): t17,648 ( M:98.04 )
hetfly89 (MP): t7,630 ( M:42.39 )
vinnye500 (MP+1): t4,825 ( M:26.81 )
abcd1951 (CO): t25,619 ( M:142.33 )
belindass (BTN): t5,886 ( M:32.70 )
RodBarreto (SB): t1,692 ( M:9.40 )
pardodo (BB): t9,850 ( M:54.72 )
L@ndy (UTG): t7,933 ( M:44.07 )
imcastleman (UTG+1): t10,245 ( M:56.92 )

Hero is SB with 9diamonds, Jdiamonds

Preflop: ( t180 )
1 fold, imcastleman raises to t240, 2 folds, vinnye500 calls t240, abcd1951 calls t240, belindass calls t240, RodBarreto calls t180, 1 fold

Flop: ( t1,320 ) Tdiamonds, Adiamonds, Tclubs (5 players)
RodBarreto checks, imcastleman checks, vinnye500 checks, abcd1951 checks, belindass checks

Turn: ( t1,320 ) 5hearts (5 players)
RodBarreto bets t345, imcastleman raises to t690, 3 folds, RodBarreto calls t345

River: ( t2,700 ) 5spades (2 players)
RodBarreto checks, imcastleman bets t1,620, 1 fold

Final Pot: t2,700
imcastleman does not show
imcastleman collects t2,700 from pot


Poker Stars $200+$15 USD No Limit Hold’em Tournament, Blinds: t60/t120 PokerDicas

9 players
equinespy (BB): t17,648 ( M:98.04 )
hetfly89 (UTG): t7,630 ( M:42.39 )
vinnye500 (UTG+1): t3,625 ( M:20.14 )
abcd1951 (UTG+2): t25,379 ( M:140.99 )
belindass (MP): t5,346 ( M:29.70 )
RodBarreto (MP+1): t762 ( M:4.23 )
pardodo (CO): t9,670 ( M:53.72 )
L@ndy (BTN): t9,373 ( M:52.07 )
imcastleman (SB): t11,895 ( M:66.08 )

Hero is MP+1 with 6clubs, Qclubs

Preflop: ( t180 )
4 folds, RodBarreto raises to t762 ( all-in ), 3 folds, equinespy calls t642

Flop: ( t1,584 ) Jspades, Khearts, Ahearts (2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: ( t1,584 ) 4diamonds (2 players, 1 all-in)

River: ( t1,584 ) Thearts (2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: t1,584
equinespy had 2clubs, 2diamonds
RodBarreto had 6clubs, Qclubs
RodBarreto collects t1,584 from pot

Poker Stars $200+$15 USD No Limit Hold’em Tournament, Blinds: t60/t120 PokerDicas

9 players
equinespy (SB): t16,886 ( M:93.81 )
hetfly89 (BB): t7,630 ( M:42.39 )
vinnye500 (UTG): t3,625 ( M:20.14 )
abcd1951 (UTG+1): t25,379 ( M:140.99 )
belindass (UTG+2): t5,346 ( M:29.70 )
RodBarreto (MP): t1,584 ( M:8.80 )
pardodo (MP+1): t9,670 ( M:53.72 )
L@ndy (CO): t9,373 ( M:52.07 )
imcastleman (BTN): t11,835 ( M:65.75 )

Hero is MP with Jclubs, Aclubs

Preflop: ( t180 )
1 fold, abcd1951 calls t120, belindass calls t120, RodBarreto raises to t1,584 ( all-in ), pardodo calls t1,584, 6 folds

Flop: ( t3,588 ) 7clubs, Kspades, 3hearts (2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: ( t3,588 ) Jhearts (2 players, 1 all-in)

River: ( t3,588 ) 5hearts (2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: t3,588
RodBarreto had Jclubs, Aclubs
pardodo had 8clubs, 8hearts
RodBarreto collects t3,588 from pot

Poker_Minsk: Vamoo Rod. Pouco a pouco vamos subindo sem desistir!

Felipe_pkr: boa sequencia agora, 4.1k

Poker Stars $200+$15 USD No Limit Hold’em Tournament, Blinds: t60/t120 PokerDicas

9 players
equinespy (MP): t16,826 ( M:93.48 )
hetfly89 (MP+1): t8,710 ( M:48.39 )
vinnye500 (CO): t3,072 ( M:17.07 )
abcd1951 (BTN): t25,079 ( M:139.33 )
belindass (SB): t3,113 ( M:17.29 )
RodBarreto (BB): t3,588 ( M:19.93 )
pardodo (UTG): t7,713 ( M:42.85 )
L@ndy (UTG+1): t11,392 ( M:63.29 )
imcastleman (UTG+2): t11,835 ( M:65.75 )

Hero is BB with 8hearts, 7hearts

Preflop: ( t180 )
2 folds, imcastleman raises to t240, 5 folds, RodBarreto calls t120

Flop: ( t540 ) 2clubs, 4spades, 7diamonds (2 players)
RodBarreto checks, imcastleman checks

Turn: ( t540 ) Kdiamonds (2 players)
RodBarreto checks, imcastleman checks

River: ( t540 ) Qclubs (2 players)
RodBarreto checks, imcastleman bets t360, RodBarreto calls t360

Final Pot: t1,260
RodBarreto had 8hearts, 7hearts
imcastleman had 8clubs, Tclubs
RodBarreto collects t1,260 from pot

Poker Stars $200+$15 USD No Limit Hold’em Tournament, Blinds: t80/t160 PokerDicas

9 players
TheUrsaraie (BTN): t22,142 ( M:92.26 )
HandsomeTrev (SB): t7,925 ( M:33.02 )
Nikolas Red (BB): t13,350 ( M:55.63 )
Chango79 (UTG): t15,771 ( M:65.71 )
koecky777 (UTG+1): t8,132 ( M:33.88 )
htman99 (UTG+2): t14,520 ( M:60.50 )
RodBarreto (MP): t4,168 ( M:17.37 )
mullervoodoo (MP+1): t6,145 ( M:25.60 )
galatas1984 (CO): t19,455 ( M:81.06 )

Hero is MP

Preflop: ( t240 )
2 folds, htman99 raises to t480, RodBarreto raises to t1,090, 5 folds, htman99 calls t610

Flop: ( t2,420 ) Jspades, Tspades, 8hearts (2 players)
htman99 checks, RodBarreto bets t1,490, 1 fold

Final Pot: t2,420
RodBarreto collects t2,420 from pot

Tex Wilde: Recuperando bonito

RodBarreto: Poker Stars $200+$15 USD No Limit Hold’em Tournament, Blinds: t100/t200 PokerDicas

9 players
TheUrsaraie (UTG+1): t24,752 ( M:82.51 )
PedroN87 (UTG+2): t16,151 ( M:53.84 )
Nikolas Red (MP): t11,790 ( M:39.30 )
Chango79 (MP+1): t20,071 ( M:66.90 )
koecky777 (CO): t9,432 ( M:31.44 )
htman99 (BTN): t16,265 ( M:54.22 )
RodBarreto (SB): t5,098 ( M:16.99 )
mullervoodoo (BB): t6,745 ( M:22.48 )
galatas1984 (UTG): t17,755 ( M:59.18 )

Hero is SB with Aspades, Kspades

Preflop: ( t300 )
3 folds, Nikolas Red raises to t400, Chango79 raises to t1,000, 2 folds, RodBarreto raises to t5,098 ( all-in ), 2 folds, Chango79 calls t4,098

Flop: ( t10,796 ) 3spades, Jdiamonds, 5diamonds (2 players, 1 all-in)

Turn: ( t10,796 ) Qclubs (2 players, 1 all-in)

River: ( t10,796 ) 9clubs (2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: t10,796
Chango79 had Qhearts, Ahearts
RodBarreto had Aspades, Kspades
Chango79 collects t10,796 from pot

Guilhermefla: GG rod…

Deu pra recuperar bem, mas o baralho não ajudou agora…

Poker_Minsk: GG Rod, tava recuperando super bem, foi mesmo pena aquele KK vs AA inicial =|

Thiagolmm: GG bro!

Continua nos majors!

Autor original: RodBarreto.

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