Staking – MM052 + Regulares

afsalagoas: Aproveitando o feriado aqui em Maceió dia 20 Novembro, apresentado esse staking se houver interesse.

Pokerstars Games:
Omania $11 $3K GTD
MM052 – $5.50 30$K GTD
The Hott $5.50 $5K GTD
The Big $2.20 $5K GTD
Hold´em $4.40 $1.5K GTD
Hold´em $8.80 – , $2K GTD

Total Buy-in: $37,40 Total de Prêmios GTD: $46,5K

Acordo: 70/30% a favor dos investidores após o retorno do investimento.

20 Cotas de $1,87 – Aceitando somente pokerstars nick: afsalagoas até às 20:45 horário de Brasília.

Obs.: O evento será jogado no mínimo com 80% de venda, caso não ocorra cancelado e devolvido o dinheiro. Últimos 4 plomania $11 jogados, 2 itm´s.

Agradeço desde por aqueles que investirem ou não, sucessos para todos.

Dúvidas só postar.

Vadiu: pego tudo em 80/20 tem interesse?

afsalagoas: Fechado…

Obrigado pela confiança sucessos, e atitude nessa grade.

Créditos confirmado.

Poker_Minsk: GL aos dois!

afsalagoas: GG MM – Normal… Poker Stars $5.00+$0.50 USD No Limit Hold’em Tournament, Blinds: t100/t200, Ante: t25 Conversor de mãos

9 players
xenophe (BTN): t20,251 ( M:38.57 )
riverman1314 (SB): t10,730 ( M:20.44 )
€76 (BB): t4,861 ( M:9.26 )
fln5633 (UTG): t5,070 ( M:9.66 )
adam.v4 (UTG+1): t4,433 ( M:8.44 )
cresting1234 (UTG+2): t5,021 ( M:9.56 )
Brewster123 (MP): t6,280 ( M:11.96 )
afsalagoas (MP+1): t3,435 ( M:6.54 )
JCassamo21 (CO): t5,515 ( M:10.50 )

Hero is MP+1 with Jclubs, Jhearts

Preflop: ( t525 )
2 folds, cresting1234 raises to t400, 1 fold, afsalagoas raises to t3,410, 4 folds, cresting1234 calls t3,010

Flop: ( t7,345 ) Tdiamonds, 6clubs, 8clubs (2 players)

Turn: ( t7,345 ) 7hearts (2 players)

River: ( t7,345 ) Adiamonds (2 players)

Final Pot: t7,345
cresting1234 had Ahearts, Khearts
afsalagoas had Jclubs, Jhearts
cresting1234 collects t7,345 from pot

afsalagoas: OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGPoker Stars $8.00+$0.80 USD No Limit Hold’em Tournament, Blinds: t50/t100, Ante: t10 Conversor de mãos

9 players
bozaking (BB): t4,455 ( M:18.56 )
pipolo1011 (UTG): t1,990 ( M:8.29 )
l.vini14 (UTG+1): t2,067 ( M:8.61 )
piruxas89 (UTG+2): t5,408 ( M:22.53 )
pokerlove82 (MP): t7,010 ( M:29.21 )
ILuckyINinja (MP+1): t2,306 ( M:9.61 )
OMaLlStArS22 (CO): t3,863 ( M:16.10 )
Nuko Naka (BTN): t2,172 ( M:9.05 )
afsalagoas (SB): t1,850 ( M:7.71 )

Hero is SB with Ahearts, Adiamonds

Preflop: ( t240 )
3 folds, pokerlove82 raises to t300, ILuckyINinja calls t300, OMaLlStArS22 calls t300, Nuko Naka raises to t2,162, afsalagoas calls t1,790, 1 fold, pokerlove82 raises to t7,000, 2 folds

Flop: ( t6,954 ) 8diamonds, Tdiamonds, 3hearts (3 players)

Turn: ( t6,954 ) Khearts (3 players)

River: ( t6,954 ) Kclubs (3 players)

Final Pot: t6,954
pokerlove82 had Kdiamonds, Kspades
Nuko Naka had Qdiamonds, Qspades
afsalagoas had Ahearts, Adiamonds
pokerlove82 collects t644 from pot
pokerlove82 collects t6,310 from pot

afsalagoas: GG THE Hott – itm.

Poker Stars $5.00+$0.50 USD No Limit Hold’em Tournament, Blinds: t1,000/t2,000, Ante: t250 Conversor de mãos

9 players
franciscogp7 (SB): t27,703 ( M:5.28 )
afsalagoas (BB): t16,958 ( M:3.23 )
skoalwatts (UTG): t26,104 ( M:4.97 )
pontios1986 (UTG+1): t21,370 ( M:4.07 )
mmedoed (UTG+2): t25,128 ( M:4.79 )
tiger604 (MP): t25,725 ( M:4.90 )
astronauta69 (MP+1): t34,074 ( M:6.49 )
BingoB0ngo (CO): t57,633 ( M:10.98 )
Wakiee (BTN): t5,920 ( M:1.13 )

Hero is BB with Aspades, Thearts

Preflop: ( t5,250 )
7 folds, franciscogp7 raises to t27,453, afsalagoas calls t14,708

Flop: ( t35,666 ) 4diamonds, 2clubs, 3clubs (2 players)

Turn: ( t35,666 ) Qdiamonds (2 players)

River: ( t35,666 ) 9clubs (2 players)

Final Pot: t35,666
franciscogp7 had Qclubs, Jdiamonds
afsalagoas had Aspades, Thearts
franciscogp7 collects t35,666 from pot

afsalagoas: Big $2.20
Poker Stars $2.00+$0.20 USD No Limit Hold’em Tournament, Blinds: t75/t150, Ante: t20 Conversor de mãos

8 players
VANEK893 (MP+1): t12,782 ( M:33.20 )
JoCalvé (CO): t11,825 ( M:30.71 )
OmniumEst (BTN): t2,945 ( M:7.65 )
Shafterhopf (SB): t6,085 ( M:15.81 )
Davidpower27 (BB): t6,315 ( M:16.40 )
futtemor (UTG): t2,005 ( M:5.21 )
afsalagoas (UTG+1): t2,053 ( M:5.33 )
kaliman_F (MP): t5,390 ( M:14.00 )

Hero is UTG+1 with 6spades, Aspades

Preflop: ( t385 )
1 fold, afsalagoas raises to t2,033, kaliman_F calls t2,033, 5 folds

Flop: ( t4,451 ) 9spades, Ahearts, Jhearts (2 players)

Turn: ( t4,451 ) 3hearts (2 players)

River: ( t4,451 ) 7hearts (2 players)

Final Pot: t4,451
afsalagoas had 6spades, Aspades
kaliman_F had Qhearts, Qspades
kaliman_F collects t4,451 from pot

afsalagoas: Poker Stars $4.00+$0.40 USD No Limit Hold’em Tournament, Blinds: t200/t400, Ante: t50 Conversor de mãos

9 players
RobYourROLL (UTG+1): t31,024 ( M:29.55 )
Beppejoe (UTG+2): t8,465 ( M:8.06 )
afsalagoas (MP): t4,143 ( M:3.95 )
MAMoNT1717 (MP+1): t3,208 ( M:3.06 )
how2usechips (CO): t6,397 ( M:6.09 )
212tony9900 (BTN): t5,230 ( M:4.98 )
mr&ml2005 (SB): t9,914 ( M:9.44 )
zigzappa (BB): t9,220 ( M:8.78 )
Dollyrguty (UTG): t8,735 ( M:8.32 )

Hero is MP with Kspades, Ahearts

Preflop: ( t1,050 )
2 folds, Beppejoe raises to t1,240, afsalagoas raises to t4,093, 5 folds, Beppejoe calls t2,853

Flop: ( t9,236 ) 3clubs, 4spades, 9diamonds (2 players)

Turn: ( t9,236 ) Qspades (2 players)

River: ( t9,236 ) 8diamonds (2 players)

Final Pot: t9,236
Beppejoe had Qclubs, Adiamonds
afsalagoas had Kspades, Ahearts
Beppejoe collects t9,236 from pot

afsalagoas: Calculo certinho e gg.

Poker Stars $10+$1 USD Pot Limit Omaha Tournament, Blinds: t50/t100 Conversor de mãos

8 players
kouts007 (UTG): t9,335 ( M:62.23 )
Dzunglipoiss (UTG+1): t3,315 ( M:22.10 )
Nels316 (MP): t4,610 ( M:30.73 )
Burns58 (MP+1): t1,970 ( M:13.13 )
MeortheMrs (CO): t1,805 ( M:12.03 )
afsalagoas (BTN): t5,010 ( M:33.40 )
Sharp_05 (SB): t4,727 ( M:31.51 )
Abel.cirilo (BB): t6,215 ( M:41.43 )

Hero is BTN with Qdiamonds, Qhearts, Jhearts, Aspades

Preflop: ( t150 )
2 folds, Nels316 raises to t260, 2 folds, afsalagoas raises to t500, 2 folds, Nels316 calls t240

Flop: ( t1,150 ) Tclubs, 7spades, 6clubs (2 players)
Nels316 checks, afsalagoas checks

Turn: ( t1,150 ) Qspades (2 players)
Nels316 bets t660, afsalagoas raises to t2,000, Nels316 raises to t4,110 ( all-in ), afsalagoas calls t2,110

River: ( t9,370 ) 2clubs (2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: t9,370
Nels316 had 7diamonds, 3clubs, 7hearts, Aclubs
afsalagoas had Qdiamonds, Qhearts, Jhearts, Aspades
Nels316 collects t9,370 from pot

Vadiu, mandei lá o itm do the hot, obrigado pelo apoio, infelizmente não deu para puxar um bom prêmio.

Vadiu: as mãos foram std, apesar de ter me preocupado o fato de estar com m tão baixo tão cedo no torneio. Podia postar as mãos principais ao invés das últimas?

afsalagoas: as mãos foram std, apesar de ter me preocupado o fato de estar com m tão baixo tão cedo no torneio. Podia postar as mãos principais ao invés das últimas?

Ok, tentarei pegar aqui.

Autor original: afsalagoas.

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