Vigiannini horseback riding - Closing of the 4th and opening of the 5th

vigiannini: First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who took part. It's really good to know that I have support here on the forum when I need it. I didn't expect to reach 100 quotas when I opened the proposal.

The start was excellent, we hit the $600 profit mark in no time. Unfortunately I had a bad day on Wednesday, I played too badly in the morning and maybe that affected my performance in the afternoon too, I can't say for sure. In the evening we managed to recover a lot, but again Thursday wasn't the best and we were practically back to square one.

Fortunately, in the last 70-80 sits things got back on track, I ran very well and we ended up with a profit of $325. As soon as I'd finished the 1,000 sits, I played the 50 promised FPPs. The performance wasn't great either and we finished practically even in them.

In total, the profit stands at $457, which means an ROI of just over 3% and a 60/40 profit split in favor of investors, as agreed.

So $182 stays with me and $275 will be split between the investors.

So each share of $15 becomes worth $17.75

I'm taking this opportunity to open a new ride, as I was hoping for a better result, especially after the start we had. Needless to say, in poker I can't promise anything, but I can guarantee that I'm more motivated than ever to reach $1,500 profit in the next one.

To the people who invested in the 4th ride, please let me know here in the thread or by PM if you're interested in reinvesting and how many shares you want, so I can send you the surplus. The 5th ride will be exactly the same as the 4th. For now I'll give preference to the same investors and only then, if we don't reach the desired number of shares, will I open it up to new investors.

As before, a minimum of 50 shares and a maximum of 100 with a leverage of 10x per share sold.

I look forward to your replies.


vigiannini: I'm trying to post the graphs here but I can't insert the image.

I'll try again later.

In any case, Sharkscope is still open, so you can still check it out there.

Vadiu: I would like to receive 100% vini. Thank you.

vigiannini: Sent, Vadiu.

$355, is that correct?

Thank you very much for your participation!

vigiannini: Here's the graphic... I was able to post it via Chrome.


binhoecida: Even at 400 games, the line was beautiful.

I think that if I invest again it will be two shares and the rest you can send back to me.

I'm very grateful and if things improve here I'll come back and invest more.

vigiannini: Sent, Binho.

$23.25 - surplus of the three quotas plus one quota returned, right?

Starting to organize the 5th...

Binhoecida - 2 quotas - PAID
vigiannini - 20 shares - PAID

binhoecida: Right, buddy.

Thanks again.

Vadiu: Sent, Vadiu.

$355, is that correct?

Thank you very much for your participation!

Got it, thanks! Gl next time! Unfortunately I have to pay the rent, otherwise I'd get into it again.

Leveraged Hyperturbo rides (modesty aside) are very profitable on average!

nadinhosk8: Gl for the ride vini! i would like to receive vini thank you.
My bank is a bit down because of the last few grinds and I'll leave it for next time, thanks!

jpakissflowers: I've already deposited the difference in my profit to buy another share.
I'll take 4 shares in that one.

Wildotsel: Vigiannini,
I will continue with 2 quotas.

Tex Wilde: I'll take 16 quotas again. Send me the difference. Cheers.

binhoecida: It will start when the cavalcade.

I've been playing around with it and if it continues like this I think I'll invest 2 more shares.

Until then, you tell me that if things change, I'll see what I can do.

duduneles: I want to keep my 10 shares and receive the profit!

Bora bora bora!

bruno0010: I want to keep the 2 quotas and receive the profit too!

palapa: Thanks! I'll keep the 10 quotas too.

VIVÃO: Oh, dear.

if I have 4 left over.

RodBarreto: I keep the ones I had and get the difference!!!

Waiting, let's go! o/


vigiannini: Binhoecida, I'm starting on Monday. As Vadiu won't be taking part in this one and has released 20 shares, I'll wait until tomorrow to see if any new investors turn up.

Vivao, you can send it to "vigiannini" in PS, there will be plenty left.

To the rest of you, I'm now sending your profit or 100%, as nadinho asked.


vigiannini: Okay, all the transfers have been made, you should have received them by now.

Ifsales told me yesterday by PM that he's going to keep a quota and I've already sent him the difference.

I'll confirm the values sent by everyone here. Please let me know if there are any differences.

Vadiupoker - asked for 100% back - $355

Binhoecida - kept two shares and sent profit + one share - $23.25

Ifsales - kept one quota - $2.75

Wildotsel - kept two shares and sent the profit - $5.50

Nadinhosk8 - requested 100% - $53.25

Tex Wilde - kept 16 shares and sent the profit - $44

Duduneles - kept 10 shares and sent the profit - $27.50

Bruno1308 - kept two shares and sent the profit - $5.50

Hdohko - kept 10 shares and sent the profit - $27.50

RodBarreto - kept three quotas and sent the profit - $8.25

vigiannini: Quotas for the 5th horse at the moment

Binhoecida - 2 quotas - PAID
Diogo (JPA Kissflowers) - 4 quotas - PAID
Wildotsel - 2 quotas - PAID
Tex Wilde - 16 shares - PAID
Duduneles - 10 shares - PAID
Bruno 0010 - 2 quotas - PAID
Palapa - 10 shares - PAID
Vivao - 4 quotas
RodBarreto - 3 shares - PAID
Vigiannini - 20 shares - PAID

A total of 73 quotas at the moment.

Binho, feel free to send more whenever you want. We have a maximum of 100 quotas.

If new investors also want to participate, feel free to do so.

kabbal: Vigiannini,

I won't be able to invest in the next ride.

ifsales: Grande Vigiannini
My 01 was missing from this list...
Quotas for the 5th horse at the moment

Binhoecida - 2 quotas - PAID
Diogo (JPA Kissflowers) - 4 quotas - PAID
Wildotsel - 2 quotas - PAID
Tex Wilde - 16 shares - PAID
Duduneles - 10 shares - PAID
Bruno 0010 - 2 quotas - PAID
Palapa - 10 shares - PAID
Vivao - 4 quotas
RodBarreto - 3 shares - PAID
Vigiannini - 20 shares - PAID

A total of 73 quotas at the moment.

Binho, feel free to send more whenever you want. We have a maximum of 100 quotas.

If new investors also want to participate, feel free to do so.

vigiannini: Oops, sorry... I put it there in the previous list and forgot later... hehe. Thanks for the correction.

Kabbal, sorry for the delay in replying, I didn't access the forum this Sunday. I've now sent your part. Thank you very much!

Another of the reg hypers, Ricardo "lord_crusty" Albuquerque, has invested 16 quotas. I don't know if he's registered here on the forum, but I spoke to him on Skype and we've already agreed on $.

So now we have 90 quotas.

Binhoecida - 2 quotas - PAID
Diogo (JPA Kissflowers) - 4 quotas - PAID
Wildotsel - 2 quotas - PAID
Ifsales - 1 quota - PAID
Tex Wilde - 16 shares - PAID
Duduneles - 10 shares - PAID
Bruno 0010 - 2 quotas - PAID
Palapa - 10 shares - PAID
Vivao - 4 quotas - PAID
RodBarreto - 3 shares - PAID
Vigiannini - 20 shares - PAID
Lord_crusty - 16 shares - PAID

A total of 90 quotas at the moment.

I'll wait until Monday morning to start the grind. If no more investors show up, I'll take another 10 quotas, close it at 100 and start the grind.

In any case, this ride will be finished by next Sunday at the latest.

Remember that the rakeback scheme and possible bonuses from the Battle of the Planets will continue in the same way.

ifsales: Good afternoon, when you start unlocking the sharkscope for monitoring
Vlw and GL

vigiannini: Yes, the sharkscope will be unlocked.

Vivão sent me four more quotas, so I'll keep six more, and we'll close at 100 again.

I start the grind early tomorrow.

Binhoecida - 2 quotas - PAID
Diogo (JPA Kissflowers) - 4 quotas - PAID
Wildotsel - 2 quotas - PAID
Ifsales - 1 quota - PAID
Tex Wilde - 16 shares - PAID
Duduneles - 10 shares - PAID
Bruno 0010 - 2 quotas - PAID
Palapa - 10 shares - PAID
Vivao - 8 quotas - PAID
RodBarreto - 3 shares - PAID
Vigiannini - 26 shares - PAID
Lord_crusty - 16 shares - PAID

Total of 100 quotas.

vigiannini: I had a little problem with lord_crusty's quotas... he sent me $140 by PS and was going to send me $100 by Neteller.

The problem is that I gave him another email address to transfer the chips to, not the one that was registered on the account, and I still haven't received it. I contacted Neteller support and they said they would be returning the money to lord_crusty's account.

Now I'm just waiting for him to show up on Skype or Facebook so I can check in with him and I'll start riding right away, probably today.

But I guarantee that by Sunday at the latest everyone will have their stakeback.

Thank you for your patience!

Below is the email Neteller sent me:

NETELLER Customer Support [email protected]

01:41 (8 hours ago)

for me

Recently you requested personal assistance from our on-line support
center. Below is a summary of your request and our response.


Discussion Thread
Response Via Email(Mamadou Diallo) - 30/07/2012 10.41 PM
Dear Vinicius,

Thank you for your message.

This account is closed and the funds will return to your friend's account.

The NETELLER Customer Service Team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you have any further questions, comments or concerns, please visit // You can also follow us at NETELLER (neteller) on Twitter or connect with us at //

Thank you for choosing NETELLER!

Contact Centre Agent (2311)"

VIVÃO: Hey Vini, any news?

ifsales: By Sharkscope ta -US$395,00

But there's still ground to cover... VQV

duduneles: complicated downswing. go for it!!!

ifsales: Anyone who invests knows that there are risks, the other time you made a small profit and this time you're making a loss. But it's clear that you're an excellent player.
Whenever I get the chance, I'm going to invest in your rides...

Go for it, partner.

VIVÃO: go for it brother... do what you know will be great... if the result doesn't come, be patient... we're cheering... good luck

vigiannini: Hey, guys... we're still in the fight.

I really appreciate the messages of support.

We're lagging behind in terms of volume, but the good thing is that there's still room for recovery. The last two days have been much better.

I've even played a few sats to replace the BR because I was really annoyed to see the BR just going down, down, down... I thought it might have affected the game a bit.

The last two days have been much better, there are around 300 seats left and you can still make up the loss. Let's go.

Once I've finished, I'll talk to you again about keeping the investment or returning the stake to whoever wants it.


VIVÃO: That's what we're here for... 😉 ... if you need to give us the names of the guys who are holding you up, we'll do a little voodoo to speed things up :diablotin:

vigiannini: Well... we're slowly moving up.

809 sits, -$620.

As I've already played the sats (the deal called for 50 sats to be played, I played 55 and I'll keep the extra ones for riding) the total profit for the time being is -$420.

There are 191 sits left, which I should finish by tomorrow, and the big goal is to get to at least zero.

Of course, it's not the result I was hoping for, but I'm happy to see the recovery.

I'd like to take advantage of the fact that there's still some time to go and see what you think about extending the deal to 2,000 sits instead of 1,000, so that I have a much better chance of getting this horse into the black.

I look forward to hearing from you. If anyone doesn't want to, I'll send them the stakeback immediately after the 1,000 sits are over.

And then I'll talk to whoever wants to.

But if everyone agrees, we'll automatically go to 2,000 sits.

duduneles: what is the current bankroll to play the 191 and probably 1000?

Tex Wilde: I say we go for 2,000. I believe that this downswing is normal game variance and that the horsepower is +EV.

jpakissflowers: Just explain one thing to me: - 1500 is the limit? If it reaches that point, is it considered "breaking"?

vigiannini: I also only believe in variance to justify the result at the moment.

The bankroll is always 100 BIs - total profit.

Then if it goes to 2,000 sits when it's finished they'll throw in another 50 sats for the rakeback deal.

– – – – – – – – – –

Yes, Diogo.

But I've already played the rakeback sats and made a profit of $220 on them. So the initial bankroll of $1,500 increases to $1,720.

jpakissflowers: I see, I'll raise it to 2,000. Let's trust our horse!

VIVÃO: I say we go to 2000, you benefit from the Fpp/Vpp and we take a little money home... nothing more, just...

rS... today I saw you playing... that's a different kind of poker... it's crazy... every call the guys make in an all in... I play HU hyper turbo 3.50 it's more or less the same...

vigiannini: Thanks, Vivão!

But just to clarify...

I'm sticking with VPPs, which can only be redeemed over the long term, especially in the hypers of $15.

With the FPPs I'll play the sats for Sunday Storm and add the winnings to the total profit, as I did in the previous ride.

duduneles: I'm going for 2k.

VIVÃO: Oh yeah... so it's like Telesena... 😉 you compete with the 25 numbers and there are additional prizes ;P

Let's go for 2K, boy.

vigiannini: I've already spoken to lord_crusty and he's agreed.

Let's wait for the others...

But at this point I don't think it's interesting for anyone to take the stakeback already, it's well +Ev to go to 2k games.

palapa: Let's go for 2000! I have a question: does sharkscope already include the amount won on the sat?

And congratulations on your recovery!

bruno0010: I'm with you!

ifsales: Do you need to transfer any more US$ or are you going to play with the current bankroll?
I'm closing in on 2K
hugs and good luck mate...

vigiannini: You don't have to transfer anything, we're going to war with the current stand.

Yes, Palapa... if you only want to see the results of the hypers, just put them in the filter there. If you don't have access to it, let me know and I'll post the separate graphs tomorrow.

The deal was to play 50 sats with the FPPs, I ended up losing the account and played 55... I already had some FPPs left over here. But I'm going to leave this leftover in the cavalage, I'm not going to take it out.

Then at the end of the 2,000 sits I play another 50 sats.

At the moment the loss is $339, including the sats played.

Let's aim for the blue.

RodBarreto: Go go 2k! GL!

duduneles: monster comeback!!! let's start the next 2k with high spirits

jpakissflowers: That's my boy. Just knowing that it was going to increase to 2k sent my spirits soaring. Less than 100 sits later and we're almost at zero to zero.

GL, vqv!

bruno0010: There's no shortage of skill, there's just a shortage of variety to come and play in our team!

binhoecida: VAMOOOOO

Aim for the blue monster.

vigiannini: Blue, blue, blue... finally the blue side.

We're still a little negative on the 1TP4Q15 hypers, but with the first part of the rakeback already added we currently have a total profit of 1TP4Q155.

Come on, there are still over 900 sits left + the second part of the rakeback.

And at the moment I'm in the top 3 of the Battle of the Planets, but I'm sure it won't be top 10... my score should give me top 20, which gives me a bonus of $50. It's not much, but it's good =P

– – – – – – – – – –

The more I analyze these $15 hypers, the more I realize that it's a huge mistake to want to take a step higher than your leg and move up a level without having any preparation, be it emotional, technical or financial. I've made this mistake more than once and today I feel much more experienced about it.

The $15 field is obviously weaker than the more expensive hypers... So you can maintain an ROI of 4-5% if you're really good.

If you make 5,000 sits in a month, which is a perfectly achievable target, an ROI of 4% already means a profit of $3,000 per month.

Not to mention the rakeback...

After the ride is over, my goal for the rest of 2012 will be this... to play at least 5,000 sits of $15 seeking an ROI of 3-5%.

Then in December I'll rethink whether it's worth trying for Supernova Elite in 2013... we'll see. Every SNG player wants that status, you just have to know when exactly to go for it.

duduneles: you just have to know the right time to try.


VIVÃO: Impressive, let's keep it up... at this rate if you offer 3K everyone will accept lol...

duduneles: comeback of 60 buy ins and around 25 buy ins up to date.

+ - 800 games to go.


vigiannini: More than 1,300 games, $1,055 up to date already counting the sats played for the first 1k games.

Sorry for the delay with the volume, lately I haven't done even 200 a day... but maybe that's the reason for the recent success. So I can't complain.

There are about 700 sits + 50 sats left, I think I'll finish in four or five days.

The goal now is to reach at least $1,500 profit, ending with an ROI of 5%.

But I'd love to hit 2k... who knows? We can't count on continuing at the profit pace of the last four or five days either. Of course that's the goal, but you know how these hypers are... so keep your feet on the ground, the first goal is to hit $1,500.

– – – – – – – – –

Vadiu: like a boss!

vigiannini: Just over 1,400 games, $1,465 up.

Tell me something... just for consultation.

Once you've finished this... would you welcome a ride on the $30 again, with 10x for each quota sold... to play well, with a maximum of 4-6 simultaneous screens?

binhoecida: Dude, you're doing great.

I think you'll do well at tables of 30.

I've seen you playing at the 100 and 200 tables and you do very well.

If I'm going to do it, I think that if I have the money to invest, I'll go along.

duduneles: I'm interested but I don't know if I can keep 10 quotas again. I've bought a car and I'm selling the body to make a big down payment!

About the current ride, MONSTRO!

vigiannini: I'm the same, Edu... haha.

I've been paying for a car consortium for almost a year now, and at the same time I'm saving up the money to make a large down payment by the end of the year, so I'll probably have to withdraw almost all of my share of the profit as soon as I've finished riding.

But let's see... if there's enough interest in at least 60 or 70 quotas, I'll open a $30.

VIVÃO: Vini.

Yes, it does. As soon as I've finished this one, we'll do the accounts. I've exceeded my horsepower quota this month, but in the meantime, congratulations on your recovery.

jpakissflowers: I'm a fan of "the winning team doesn't move". Why play 30, if we're making practically 50% profit from 15? I don't see the need to risk taking a step bigger than our legs.

Tex Wilde: Just over 1,400 games, $1,465 up.

Tell me something... just for consultation.

Once you've finished this... would you welcome a ride on the $30 again, with 10x for each quota sold... to play well, with a maximum of 4-6 simultaneous screens?

I'm up for it, I just think x20 or x25 would be better. The only thing that increases negatively is the risk of loss, but positively we don't need to transfer so much money for the same return. Like investing $50 in a x20 horsepower is equivalent to investing $100 in a x10 horsepower, the profits/losses are the same, and you don't need to invest as much.

palapa: I'd invest too, but I wouldn't be able to keep the same number of shares

VIVÃO: I hope you reach 2K in 2K tables... then it'll be easy to reinvest:happy34:

vigiannini: I think I have about 60k games of hyper-turbos and for the first time I've seen this happen... the sit ends 3-handed with two players tied in chips.

They shared the second-place prize.

Which is unfair, I should have everything... hahaha.

Poker Stars $14.41+$0.59 USD No Limit Hold'em Tournament, Blinds: t60/t120, Ante: t12 Hand Converter

3 players
vigiannini (SB): t1,500 ( M:6.94 )
altai999 (BB): t750 ( M:3.47 )
Lucky I)evil (BTN): t750 ( M:3.47 )

Hero is SB with 9//, A//

Preflop: ( t216 )
Lucky I)evil raises to t738, vigiannini calls t678, altai999 calls t618

Flop: ( t2,250 ) A//, A//, 4// (3 players)

Turn: ( t2,250 ) 7// (3 players)

River: ( t2,250 ) J// (3 players)

Final Pot: t2,250
vigiannini had 9//, A//
altai999 had Q//, K//
Lucky I)evil had 2//, 2//
vigiannini collects t2,250 from pot

– – – – – – – – – –

As for a new horsepower, I've thought it over and I'm going to do another one, but still in the $15.

I only considered going back to the $30, but I think Diogo is right and the investment in the $15 is safer. I'm still looking at the $30 fields at different times and it's raining regs. There are regs in the $15, of course, but there are fewer of them and they're not as good as the ones we've already seen in the $30.

There are about 250 sits + sats left, so I should finish by Wednesday, then I'll do the following... after finishing I'll immediately send the profit to the investors and open a new horse.

Then you tell me how many shares you want... If someone can't invest in the next one or wants fewer/more shares, no problem, I'll send you the rest.

I'm only going to send you the profit as soon as it's over because the tendency is for everyone to keep the number of shares in this horsepower, since we're going back to a maximum of 100 shares.

Anyone interested in reinvesting can let me know how much to send you and how much to keep in cash.

The details will be the same... profit sharing, rakeback, etc.

vigiannini: I forgot to update the results.

Sunday and Monday morning/afternoon were terrible, I had a drop of more than 30 BIs I think... but fortunately the account settled down afterwards and we recovered almost everything.

250 sits + 50 sats left... total profit of $1,406 at the moment.

This Tuesday the idea is to do 150 sits and on Wednesday play the rest plus the sats. The goal now is to make 2k profit.

– – – – – – – – – –

I forgot to update the results.

Sunday and Monday morning/afternoon were terrible, I had a drop of more than 30 BIs I think... but fortunately the account settled down afterwards and we recovered almost everything.

250 sits + 50 sats left... total profit of $1,406 at the moment.

This Tuesday the idea is to do 150 sits and on Wednesday play the rest plus the sats. The goal now is to make 2k profit.

jpakissflowers: I didn't know my opinion had so much standing lol.

Okay, dear. Depending on the profit I make, I'll either increase it to 5 shares or keep the 4. If it hits 2k we'll go to 5. Less than that, I'll keep 4. You can confirm my interest there!

– – – – – – – – – –

And by the way, a great climb yesterday at the end of the day. I went to bed at 1.041k and woke up at 1.4k. What luxury. In the last 7 tournaments you've won 3, come 2nd in 3 and only lost 1. Good Run.

Tex Wilde: When you've finished, don't transfer the profit to me straight away, as I'll probably keep a few more shares.

vigiannini: Game over.

We reached 2k sits and finished with a total profit of $1,717.

The sats were missing... but I wanted to propose something else before playing.

This month PS is having a sale with various products from the vip store, so I'd like to keep the FPPs to exchange for products... there are some people in my city who keep asking me for t-shirts, caps, sweaters and so on. Then I can sell them here.

Then, instead of throwing in the sats (a total of 11,375 FPPs), I add this value in $ to the total profit of the ride.

Remember that this is only for the last 1,000 sits, for the first part I've already played the sats and the amount has already been added to the total profit. I've even played five more sats than the deal and I'll take those.

These 11k FPPs are equivalent to around $120.

My proposal is this:

The total profit was $1,717.

We had another $50 of the Battle of the Planets last week.

Then I add another $133 from the FPPs and we end up with a total of $1,900.

This gives an ROI of more than 6%, which means a 50/50 split as agreed.

So that's $950 for me and $950 for the investors.

This means that each $15 share ends up being worth $24.50, a great appreciation of more than 60%.

So, what do you say? Can we close this way?

I look forward to hearing from you so that we can start the new ride.

I'll open another thread to organize it.

And soon I'll be posting the Sharkscope graphs.


– – – – – – – – – –


There you have it... In order: sats matches, hypers $15 matches and the total.

And below is the general graph.

VIVÃO: Lol... that's crazy... for someone who was already calculating the losses... to come out with a profit like that, great job man...

As far as I'm concerned, you can close it that way.

And already save 5 shares for me next time

jpakissflowers: Closed by me too.

palapa: Closed for me too, vlw!

Tex Wilde: Closed, congratulations on the game!

binhoecida: Man, for a long time at the beginning of riding I thought you were going to break down.

When it got to -900 and just under 500 sits I thought to my wife, "Is it going to end?"

What a good ride that was.

You can close it and start another one, yes.

My two quotas are worth 49 dollars, so I think you can send 4 and keep 45 for 3 quotas.

If possible, if not, send them the profit and keep 2.

I don't know if everyone will keep it or how it will close, but if one opens, you'll fix it, right?

Peace and congratulations on the game.

bruno0010: Show of ball, plays a lot!
I agree with the division of profits and have already replied in the other thread about the 6 horsepower.

VIVÃO: The ride was very exciting... it was like that...

We went out with AA... from UTG... we opened 3x, HJ tri-bet, cutoff was all in..SB call, BB Call... Hero called Hj call...

Hero - AA
cutoff - QQ

flop - TQK
turn - 9

river - A

Hero collects 1900 from the pot 😉

duduneles: I don't want to come across as a jerk, but according to my math, 11375 fpps doesn't make $120.

With supernova status, you get $0.016 for every fpp, exchanged for bonuses in the vip store.

In particular, I get 0.018 or more by playing the satellites.

In any case, if you multiply the number of fpps by 0.016, the final value is $182

How did you arrive at the value of $120?

edit: the final difference would be $0.25(2%) per quota

vigiannini: Edu, to tell you the truth I didn't do any math... I just put a round number. I took the result we had, added the BdP's $50 and then with another $133 we'd reach $1,900 to make it a round number.

But it was $133 more, not $120.

Anyway, as I said in my posts, in the first part of the ride I played 55 sats... with 11,375 fpps giving 48 sats. And I kept those extra.

I know that Supernova is 0.016 per FPPs, but that's if we consider the biggest exchange, which is 100k FPPs. And we're nowhere near that in horsepower.

Of course, the deal was to play the sats... but I just had this idea, I thought the price was fair, taking into account that I played a few more sats, and I made the offer.

I wasn't thinking of anyone winning or losing... because it's practically a negligible difference. I just tried to make it quick and easy.

But if there's a problem, we can certainly review it.

duduneles: I understand perfectly!!!
And I didn't post with the intention of judging anything.

I just wanted to understand.

Anyway, hold on to my 10 shares for next time, send me my ps balance and let's go!

Original author: vigiannini.

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