8th vigiannini ride -

vigiannini: The quotas have already been set, I'm opening this thread just to keep track so that everything doesn't get messed up in the other one.

I could even start today or tomorrow, but at the weekend my grind schedule is always uncertain, so I think it's better to leave it until Monday than to start doing 30 sits one day, 50 the next...

It gave 110 shares, so I'll play 1,100 sits. The only difference is that the leverage will be 10x, not 20x.

Here's a summary of the quotas:

Vinicius - 28 quotas - PAID
Vitor - 11 quotas - PAID
RodBarreto - 10 coTas - PAID
Diogo - 15 shares - PAID
Vivao - 12 quotas - PAID
Tex Wilde - 25 shares - PAID
Nadinhosk8 - 5 shares - PAID
Andreas - 4 quotas - PAID

I start on Monday and finish on Friday. Just over 200 sites a day.

nadinhosk8: Positivity in the grinds imo, looks like it's going to be a much lower volume day. Now I can wear the verdão shirt and win again lol

vigiannini: ready to go... start riding at 13:30.

VIVÃO: I've sent you an email... about my quotas... I'm waiting for you to position my "members" 😉

vigiannini: as we discussed with Vivao by PM, there was an error in his quotas... a transfer was overlooked by me.

I'm correcting his quotas... and I'm going to increase the total number of quotas to 120, so I'll play 1,200 sits.

Vinicius - 33 quotas - PAID
Vitor - 11 quotas - PAID
RodBarreto - 10 coTas - PAID
Diogo - 15 shares - PAID
Vivao - 17 shares - PAID
Tex Wilde - 25 shares - PAID
Nadinhosk8 - 5 shares - PAID
Andreas - 4 quotas - PAID

Total of 120 quotas.

As I said before, I'll start promptly at 13:30. This will be Sharkscope's reset time.

In the meantime, I'm going to buy a new mouse because mine is showing signs of cardiac arrest =P

vigiannini: 176 sits played, $200 up.

nothing more than expected, but I'm satisfied because the beginning was pretty bad and I got $260 down.

jpakissflowers: After that there was a "system crash" lol

Let's go, to recover today!

176 sits played, $200 up.

nothing more than expected, but I'm satisfied because the beginning was pretty bad and I got $260 down.

VIVÃO: Dude... congratulations on your recovery... yesterday DSwing went hard! ...

vigiannini: yeah, it's been weird... right after I posted the partial result I started alternating good moments with BAD ones.

I even got $850 down at one point... and then I played some sats for FPPs to replace the BR because I was really annoyed at seeing the money just disappearing.

now it looks like things are back on track, i've managed to recover a good part of the loss and at the moment we have 867 games and we're $243 down.

I'd like to take this opportunity to ask your permission to change the leverage to 20x, so I could play 2,400 sits instead of 1,200

that's because it would give me a lot more room to make this ride end in profit... because I'm really bothered by the result and I feel a big advantage over the field.

if anyone doesn't agree, I'll make a "break" when I reach 1,200 games and return the share of anyone who doesn't want to continue.

what do you think?

VIVÃO: In my case, as there's third-party money involved, I'd prefer you to get to 1200 and see how you get on... then I'll check with them... but we'll probably get to 2400 yes... I've only seen a few times that you've reached such a high negative level... and yet you've recovered...

vigiannini: yes, I've been thinking about it and I thought it would be better to do it differently.

when I reach 1,200 games I'll stop, post the results here and what you prefer.

anyone who wants to can continue for another 1,200 games or remove some or all of it.

I'll probably complete 1,200 games later today, then I'll freeze the ride and you'll have until Sunday to say whether you want to continue or leave.

Then on Monday I start the "second half" and finish by Friday of next week.

at the moment we have 1,058 games and we're $91 down. of course a draw isn't good, but we're almost in the black and it's still good after being almost 900 down.

that's why I want to make more games, I know that your expectations are very high in order to make a profit, just like mine.

vigiannini: for example, if we complete 1200 games with a profit of $300, I'll take my share ($150), distribute yours and go back to the initial BR of $1800.

Then everyone gets their share of the profit, regardless of whether they go on to the second half or not.

nadinhosk8: man I put my chips on the cloth because I know you're a winner and you've been through a violent down and even so you're coming back from this down it's not easy ñ. And you seem pretty confident. :happy34:

VIVÃO: ok... so... waiting...

vigiannini: the end... I ended up playing one more because I miscounted how many were left.

follow the graph:


we finished $187 down... but I'm going to have a little cry and go up to -$150.

now it's up to you... my proposal is to renew for another 1,200 games from monday and finish by next sunday, maybe sooner.

if anyone wants to leave, ok, just let me know and I'll send you the stakeback and take over those quotas if no one wants to.

remembering that at the moment each share of $15 is worth $13.75.

I look forward to your feedback... I'll contact some of you by PM.

vigiannini: I'll leave the sharkscope locked for now, Monday I'll reset it again and then we'll start from $-150.

VIVÃO: Go ahead... better luck next time :happy34:

nadinhosk8: If you combine the previous ride with this one, we're making a small profit (for those who took part in both).
As far as I'm concerned, you can carry on and good luck with the next sites.

Tex Wilde: Let's play 😉

RodBarreto: Game on! GL!

Andreas: I'm also going to continue with my quotas.


vigiannini: great, everyone's confirmed then.

monday at 13:30 i'll reset sharkscope and get on with the dance.

vigiannini: guys, the restart will be tomorrow, possibly early in the morning.

i have a small commitment in a little while and i wouldn't be able to do more than 50 sits today... but the deadline will be kept, i'll do about 250 sits a day.

I'll confirm the start time here first thing tomorrow and release the sharkscope as soon as I post it.

vigiannini: a little late, but with a lot of desire... here we go.

starting work on the ride now... i'm resetting the sharkscope right now and starting right away.

let's go.

vigiannini: 303 games this Wednesday, $401 up.

nice, nice... it was a good day.

the idea is to reach 800/850 games by Friday night... and do the last 400/500 sits between Saturday and Sunday.

always remembering that the real profit is the value of the current cavalcade - $150, which was the loss of the previous one.

vigiannini: 439 games, $842 up.


VIVÃO: I'm glad you're back, because the guy who was playing for you was really mad :happy34:

vigiannini: hahahaha. i hope that guy never comes back =P

you have no idea how many players are cursing at me in chat... seriously, i've never seen that... there are several, some really bad and some regs who are also looking for trash talk all the time. i usually just reply with emoticons to try and get more buzz.

I think that because I already have experience in the medium and high stakes I make some moves that are unusual in the $15s... especially on the bubble. I try to avoid CL putting pressure on me and sometimes I make some light calls in clear spots of CL's ATC shove, then some regs think it's personal and start cursing.

there was a reg, "Goofella", who even gave me a ridiculous call in a bubble out of sheer tantrum. he's been cursing me since last week. then today this happened...

blinds 60/120, the BTN short stack with 300 chips folded and I shoved 1k chips with AK in the SB... goofella in the BB with a stack of 1.7k called me with J8o (!!!).

vigiannini: that's enough for today... I wanted to reach 600 sits before bed, but I'm sleepy and I'd better stop.

the Palmeiras game cost me two hours of game time and patience... =P

we closed the day with 533 sits, $980 up.

we've practically got two days of grind and an excellent result so far... it's obvious that this ROI won't be maintained, it's extremely difficult... but starting the first half well gives you peace of mind in case a bad run comes along later. not to mention that it boosts confidence a lot, which is important. but you can dream of finishing 1.5k up, which would be fantastic.

it's a pity that in the middle of this good run I still haven't managed to hit a very good orbit in the battle of the planets. who knows tomorrow?

tomorrow I'm going to try and close the day with at least 800 sits... another 250 on saturday and another 150 by sunday afternoon, because then I'm going to see if I can take advantage of the fact that the PS field is going to be very full for sunday million's birthday and depending on how I feel, I'm going to get into one of the cheaper MTTs.

by the way, if anyone is interested in taking part in a small ride on this MTT stretch on sunday, let me know and we'll talk.

VIVÃO: The few hands I've seen you play, I've certainly cursed you a lot... in fact, I saw Alexandre Gomes playing the 500-peso one... going all in on the SB with A2o... he hit a set of 2s and came in huge on the HU, the guy who called with QQ must have had a heart attack from how much he cursed...

It's a crazy game... I saw a reg I think is Poker metal or metal poker... he plays very well... he chooses the cards very well to call near the bubble

vigiannini: what was the blind?

shoving A2o SB x BB is still a luxury... depending on the stacks and the blinds he's sure to shove J9+, T9+, any pair, etc.

you can't wait for the game to play out. it's hyper hehe. if you wait for the game to play out, depending on the blinds, two orbits on the bubble without a steal will make you the shortest player at the table. it's hard work all the time.

VIVÃO: ~40/80 ... he had about 400 chips... yeah... that move earned him 2k ... he uses a picture of vegas if I'm not mistaken... every now and then I watch allingomes...

Mr. Reis: I think that HT is the game that depends most on luck.

vigiannini: in the short term, it could be.

in the long term, it's impossible to talk about luck in hypers, just like in any other type of game... even more so because hypers involve a lot of mathematics too, a lot of ICM, push/fold range, etc.

well, with a stack of 400 on blinds 40/80 the guy has to shove a lot of things SB vs BB... A2 is a lot of luxury hehe. it depends a bit on the villain, if it's reg you have to reduce the range, but against random it's shove 70-80% of the range. and there's reg that will shove 100%.

Alexandre Gomes is going to the supernova elite this year... that's why he's playing these stakes. sometimes I take a look too.


well... we had another nice morning.

at the moment 600 sits have been played and we're $1,390 up.

lunch break now.

VIVÃO: I don't think it's luck... because it's not possible for a guy to have 8 rides with so much success... I think there were only two significant losses... I'd change the name to variance...

I think it's actually the game where you exploit the chips more than the cards... in that sense the ranges are very wide, a game where in the long run there are no chances for the guy who is too tight... and if you use the Sng Wizard, ICM techniques and a lot of opponent reading you come out profitable in the long run...

But it's definitely not the game for me.

VIVÃO: where I wrote SB read UTG... 😉

Mr. Reis: Without wishing to pollute the topic, just to give a rejoinder...

I don't think we'll ever be able to play in such volume as to be able to completely override luck in the long term... I saw a graph on another forum with 100 different players playing 500,000 hands each, giving a sample of 50 million hands, and yet you could see that many of them had glaring differences between ev and profit.

I'm not saying that HT doesn't need technique, study, etc. It needs a lot, but among the other games I think it's the one that needs the most luck. If you only have a few bb left, for example, there's nothing to do but fold or go all-in and pray for a hold...

I think this is the one that requires the most luck: luck that the hand will come at the right time, that a suckout will happen and you'll get ITM even though you're short, and so on.

I think this is the one that requires the most luck: luck that the hand will come at the right time, that a suckout will happen and you'll get ITM even though you're short, and so on.

Dude, but here's the example of ONE SNG.

Obviously, these situations will happen all the time if you're a regular, just as they do in any SNG.

I think the difference between hypers, as the name suggests, is speed.

you can win and lose a lot of IDs in a shorter space of time than other SNG regs.

as for variance, it will increase a lot if you do 8tabling or more. simply because there are MANY hypers who play exclusively for rakeback.

for example, one of the best PS hypers players is Mouldy Onions. in 2012 he was down more than 50k in the hypers, but earned more than 200k with rakeback. looking at his graph is disgusting, but the guy made a lot of money last year making 2 million VPPs. and this year he's promising to make EIGHT million VPPs. for a guy to do that, in addition to playing high-stakes and many tables, he still needs to play 10/12 hours practically every day, without a break. then it's obvious that the focus decreases as the day goes on.

it's indisputable that hyper-turbo has a smaller edge than other modes... simply because the structure is tighter and you have fewer spots to exploit against weaker players. but this can be diluted very well.

there are high stakes players who often show up playing the $30 hypers. simply because the guy makes a table selection and knows that AT THAT MOMENT it's more worthwhile to play medium or low stakes than high stakes.

a clear example that comes to mind is bettinglife, a Portuguese player.

SharkScope - Online and Live Poker Statistics

another example is "quadchrazs", a dutchman. the guy is a monster in the hypers, does an insane amount in the medium/high stakes, is supernova elite and is very profitable.

if the guy plays the low stakes and doesn't make so many simultaneous tables, the tendency is to have a more solid chart simply because in the low stakes you have a lot more edge and the variance drops a lot.

look at the graph of these players as an example:


vigiannini: getting back on the horse...

Guys, here's the thing.

the beginning was spectacular, very surreal... then on Friday night I started to fall and Saturday was just as bad, at the moment I'm about $550 up, which isn't good for someone who's been over $1,300.

I had MTTs blocked here on my PS, so I couldn't play them... but I played a few through tickets I bought through FPPs.

yesterday I came 16th in The Big 27.50 and today I played that tournament again. I made it to the HU, made a deal with the guy and took almost 4.3k dollars in prize money.

now i'm going to bed and in the afternoon i intend to take advantage of the fact that the PS field will be full for sunday million's birthday and get involved in the MTTs again. so i'm going to keep the horseback riding "frozen" for now.

but as I promised you a deadline of Sunday, I'll leave you a proposal here:

at the moment we have exactly $564 up in this half of the ride. taking out the negative 150 from the first half, we're left with $414 ($420 to round up).

Of these $420 I would keep 50%, so there would be $210 left over to divide among the investors, which would yield an appreciation of $1.75 per share.

my proposal is to end the ride now with a valuation of $4 per share.

why this number?

because my ROI on this game is around 4-5%, so in 1,200 games I should have approximately between $720 and $900 profit. if I had $900, for example, there would be $450 left to divide between the investors, which means an appreciation of $3.75 per share.

disregarding the first negative part of the ride and owing gratitude to you for your trust in my game, I leave you with this proposal.

just to be clear... I'm not discouraged from continuing, on the contrary, I could quite happily play the remaining 300 games between Monday and Tuesday.

but I'm leaving the proposal because I said I'd finish by today, so it's up to you now.

if you accept the offer, just let me know here and I'll immediately send you your money at a rate of $4 per share.

I also ask you, please, to leave your nickname together so that it's easier and I don't have to hunt for the file I've saved here =P

whoever prefers to refuse the deal has no problem, then from Monday I'll continue with the remaining games from the numbers we have now and finish by Tuesday afternoon.

I look forward to hearing from you.

and out of gratitude, I guarantee to add a little more to each quota in case I make a profit of more than 5k on Sunday's straight. it's bound to happen... =P

vigiannini: here's the current graph for those who don't have access to sharkscope.


nadinhosk8: Great proposal Vini, you can send it to me, my nickname is Leonardosk8 with a picture of Uncle Scrooge.
thanks for taking part vini :happy34:

It's funny because I heard Riccio say that some of the best players in the world, like big joe among others, have ROIs of around 5%, which is very different from MTT, where you can achieve much higher ROIs. And I think you need a lot of cold blood too, because sometimes you go 10 ~ 20 sits without winning anything and often you start analyzing the game or being influenced by that result. Even more so in turbo, I find it sick to deal with.

Andreas: that's fine with me too, you can send it to the nick andreas8866 the photo is of a guy with a guitar, congratulations on the result.

Vadiu: Vini, I don't want to cut the investor guys any slack, but it seems like you always give the guys a teaspoon at the end... just be careful that the ride doesn't become -ev for you because of the extra bonuses you end up giving. Everyone here is aware that the game has high variance and there will be rides that give less profit, I myself have finished even or negative rides.

nadinhosk8: Well, it's only fair that we take the risks together. Money is what everyone wants... but I also thought it was a big spoonful, so the horse gives you a lot of time invested playing and giving up the profit isn't very fair.

vigiannini: I've thought about it, Vadiu... but I think there are cases where you can make an exception, like this one.

i'm doing this because it's my choice to opt for the MTT straight today, then i wouldn't be able to meet the deadline i promised, which would be today. ok, it may not make a difference to anyone one or two more days, but i also think it's important to have the confidence of investors for future needs.

and this time I even left the rakeback out of the ride...

andreas and leonardo, I've already sent you your part. thank you very much for your participation.

vitor and diogo confirmed to me by email that they accept the proposal, but I'll send it to them via the bank.

waiting for the rest...

VIVÃO: That's fine with me... I think you could do a StopGain... (I don't know if we use that in Poker)... that way, it would certainly be profitable for everyone... and it would open up a new cavalcade, for example, if there was a proposal to end the 1 dollar... we would accept it....

But I agree with Vadiu... it's always good to go all the way, profit or loss... those who trust your game will stick with you.... BTW congratulations...

PS. not only in poker... but in everything in life... we have to think hard about starting, so that we can stay, so that we never give up, those who reach the end always win :happy34:

Send everything on : VIVÃO ... next time tamujunto

Tex Wilde: Bah vigiannini, you're very good people. Of course I'll take you up on that offer +EV. You can send it to the nick Tassenan.

I wish you every success in your career as a poker player! Big hugs.

vigiannini: tex, you've always been one of the people who's most encouraged my rides. if i'm not mistaken, you've taken part in all of them. i just have you to thank.

I've sent everyone's already, including rodbarreto's, who hasn't commented yet... but I think he'll agree too.

well... that's it. i'll count on you in future opportunities, if necessary.

thank you all very much.


Original author: vigiannini.

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